Another giveway, yea


645, thanks for the giveaway and congrats to whoever wins









wow you’re pretty rich for a light blue star, grats on the merch

i hope its not










@Seeryu thank you for hosting this giveaway


@Unselfish ok…


It almost seems like the winner was cheating but i have to be fair…


19 PM
@seerjeff Congrats?


i mean this is obviously a seerjeff alt but w/e keep goin


lol why does this whole thing seem so sus

seeryu and seerjeff

and the fact that seeryu’s account was created 23 days ago and he’s giving away at least 20 life worth of items

how there’s been no evidence of seeryu actually giving seerjeff the reward so far

“it almost seems like the winner was cheating but i have to be fair…” hmmm :thinking:


(aha yes see what i did there?)

(plz dont hurt me)



  • This is so staged. BS.
  • congrats seerjeffyboi (Dont click this)

0 voters


There are many things that hinted towards it being staged, hence why I chose what Seerjeff chose. (plz dont hurt me)


I have an explanation for how this is staged.

what are the odds of seerjeff commenting first and getting the right number?

Because he own a giveaway of 40 att. so probs thats why he was inspired

@Seerjeff @Seeryu

Seer? like really?

Stop being so cocky.