Any Ideas for UT cloaks?


Thats not true man, many people want more cloaks for the rogue


Yep, so that’s why I made this cloak :slight_frown:


I was toying with an idea that instead of making you invis just gave you darkness and a nice buff, hp or def. However armored doesn’t need to be given to another class and in the end it probably wouldn’t be as good as a t6.


This is horrible and useless lmao. Also theres no detail on how it would work…


It could be used for cool challenges… idk


lol no. If you give me one good use of this cloak then I’d be shocked.


Rushing Oryx, like I said = challenges

Challenges arent really usefull btw


WHat the hell do you mean rushing oryx? as if there’s any other way to do oryx… Also this would actually be horrible for rushing oryx because you would be teleporting all over the screen for 10 seconds instead of actually rushing… simply being invisible and having normal hp would be infinitely better…


Actually it would be really nice for rushing oryx, you would rush like a trickster- I dont think there is any need to discuss this further, that would be bs


How do you know it would work like a trickster? did he specify how the cloak worked? no. When he said 10 different locations in 10 seconds I imagine you pick ten spots on screen and can blip around there for 10 seconds like a dumbass… So don’t be assuming you know how the shitty item works.
ALso rogue with planewalker is probably better than trickster for oryx anyway (we are talking oryx 2 you know), because being able to teleport and be invisible is better than just teleporting exposed anyway. You should know that seeing as 13 of your 18 characters over 1/8 have been rogues…

Also lets go back to you calling rushing oryx as a challenge… what do you think about rushing udls? manors?


@TheLewans Rogue is already survivable enough as is, and outputs a fair amount of DPS. It has a cloak that gives it Speedy and a cloak that lets it teleport.

Having 2 unique abilities to a class is good enough in my opinion. Look at poor Ninja…

(On another note, if we could find an alternate use to rogue that sacrifices its survivability for another hidden use?)


Wow Zlushy, you probably hadn’t played in 2012 when 90% of the high end players were roguing 90% of the time!

And it’s a D in tier-lists? I’m going to assume you play knight or another melee…

What the hell is this


I dont really Care, I just want another UT cloak for the rogue :3 I per. could live with any downsides or changes with the Ability itself


thx for bringing some sense to the conversation. Yeah that cloak is just trash lol.


Then accept a good one lmao. If you scroll up to the top of the thread there are a few.


@MrLoaf remember when we all used to suicide rogues like crazy to get that one rogue that had 200 MP when players could only 6/6 xD


I just realized- Hackers could really abuse the shit out of this cloak


I accepted both of them lol


LOL throwback to when a good roll was the most important thing hands down and people made characters because they had good rolls not good UTs for them.


thats was like 4 years ago, you dont really need UTs nowadays too- they just make the game way more fun