Any tips for celestial?


I just recently completed an o3 on testing and when I reflected on it, I realized I barely survived celestial (and melts but I hate melts and also I don’t think there’s an easy way to complete melts), so in order to improve my ability to complete o3, I kinda want help learning how to do celestial without almost dying every time.

this is a fan game that has a number of dodging challenges and the last three levels are supposedly based off Celestial, Leucoryx’s counter and Miasma. Potentially more O3 mini bosses will be added in the future. I have actually done Oryx’s Sanctuary so I don’t know how accurate it is but the’re just fun to pratice and get three white bags anyway.


once you can do the celestial practice tool damageless at least a couple times, get a full inventory of healing ichors and just spam heal when you’re scared. Also don’t be afraid to tank a pet stasis portal shot (one, not the full burst from sitting on it), or go through the portal gaps, rather than tank a full shotgun from oryx himself. Also for melts, just make sure you’re opposite the room from where he is. Melts is not a damage phase, so don’t move in. what also helped me is to watch someone do it on youtube. craykiller, candyshi, mxple, etc etc. are all really good at celestial and have a bunch of videos of them doing it. good luck


all 3 of them are accurate in terms of shot patterns. I would actually say the shot pattern on jdl is more difficult
It is more difficult in the game itself, as you do have to deal with nerves and fear of dying, which isnt present when you practice. However, you can heal in game, but do not on jdl

The 3 phases can be found on the last page, Cylinder Hall is leuc 3rd counter, Cone Starship is celestial, and Cube Base is miasma


There is a trick to celestial.

It definitely requires practice to get the dodging down, but there is a strategy you can use to improve your chances of success.

Your goal should be to hug the edge of the o3 room as much as possible.

However, you also have to focus on the spinning portals at the border of the room (because they will instakill you).

The name of the game is to hug the edge while sidestepping the portals (orbs).

I have created a simple diagram.

The green arrow is the direction of portal movement.

The red arrow is the player movement.


Basically you want to stand in the portal fire safespots, stand as close to the edge of the room as possible, and circle around the portals when they come by.

Just keep prioritizing getting to the edge of the room and you’ll find you have a lot more time to dodge the fury of shots that o3 unleashes.


2 things. 1: spam healing ichors. 2: dodge the biggest projectiles and beams before anything else.


I figured that the screen rotation in JDL feels light, meaning it rotates fast. But moving the character though, feels heavy (slow).


I definitely agree, and that’s my problem with jdl


jdl gives you the general jist of it, but it is in no way realistic to the real thing imo. You can safespot in jdl in a ton of places in a corner and just sit there for 2 minutes, where in realm you would just die.


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