Applied use of the reworked Shaitan's skull


After seeing the new (slightly buffed) Skull of Endless Torment I spent some time thinking about where it could actually be useful. A puri’s effect is welcome in almost any group/dungeon… but you have to hit at least 6 targets for it to actually work (and 3 if you just want to fix yourself up). Since it has to hit at least 3 targets to even do anything useful (also 1.75 tile radius, which is the smallest of all skulls) we can rule out its usefulness in most boss fights like MBC or maybe Void where there’s usually only 1 target to be attacking.

My first thought was for those moments in a big puppet master’s theater clearing where the fakes explode into paralyze shots, leaving 1 or 2 people paralyzed and then the newly spawned rogues and assassins roll over them - There’s exactly 6 there and you could easily just run by the person pinned down and clear the paralyze off of them with the newly spawned puppets.

Next would be the Agonized titan fight - I can’t recall how many of those little pink souls the boss throws out, but I’m sure you can at least clean a petrify off of yourself with that many spawned. (Plus you can still use your ability while petrified)

But otherwise, that’s all I’ve got. Where do you guys think it can be useful?
EDIT: for reference, image


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Spoilers] Easter Stuff and Endless Torment Buff


Merging two topics on the potential update.