April March Experimental Edits


Tried doing some new stuff.


they all look the same because they are all cliche edgy
10/10 tho



Are they fit for wallpaper use? Cuz I think they’re fit for wallpaper use!


in your “oryx” edit:


no space

meanwhile,in the

no space

thinking the people in oryx’s realm hostile

forgot a “were” in there, I know it’s possible to make that work without one but that sentence sounds bizarre



destroying everything in site

destroying everything in sight*

he cast a spell to shatter the souls



no space again

archer shot her bow

archer is male


invisible* again

also half the block is really hard to follow in some places, it looks totally awesome but the text desperately needs some work.


copied directly from realm eye :stuck_out_tongue:


well if that’s the case…
whoever wrote that desperately needs to fix it.


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