Archivic's PPE Thread


Doing a Tiered PPE Priest!




Don’t watch Netflix and play RotMG at the same time…


What a wild ride.






theres a edit button btw


Accidental grab of T2 Power Wand and killed two weak enemies, tiered ppe invalidated. Guess its a normal PPE now.




Meh, not really feeling the priest right now…


Both times you forgot the T0 ring smh


Hmmm… Fineeeee


I need a class to do a actual successful tiered PPE run.

Any suggestions.




Let my little sister pick, and she chose Necromancer.


To appease @Nameness

T3 Staff, cant use yet… Atleast I got a T1 Skull


I’m going to halt posts about T1-T6 items because Its just going to become a HUGE picture post. I’ll see when I reach Mountain-tier items.


Gear at Level 20: Still need T5 Staff, T2/T3 Health and Mana Ring
My current quest is to drop the Ring of Power into the mountain lava fissure, marking my ascension into Mountain-tiered items.
Stats at Level 20: Horrible
How many kills it took me to get to my current set: