Are you a good player?


I’m decent.


well 5 is avg, and avg…

nvm im higher, i was thinking avg as in decent people who dont hack, but lots of people do hack, maybe im a 5-6.




I would say I’m better than the majority of players bc I’m a cocky bastard and Im really not good. I got a couple rareish whites in one say so I would say I’m LUCKY but not good.


Amazing, i die to everything, don’t know anyone who can successfully die to as much things as me.






I think I’m decent at the game


See? It was a good thing I didn’t define what I mean by “good”, already seing several ways to think about what it means to be a “good player”.

I love that video! :D[quote=“BroooMC, post:11, topic:2481”]
The rest of you need to figure out if you are doing good or doing well.

Oh c’mon, gimme a break, english is not my main language. I thought about using “well” instead of “good”, but what the thread title be? “Do you play well?”? That’s just weird.


Immense patience, high anticipation and fast reaction time, all of which would put me above the “average player”.

My cons would be not spreading my skill across many classes and having an all-or-nothing attitude.

And of course, being rusty from not playing for a while.

I’d say i’m currently in the top 5%.

Seems like a lot, but considering just how bad most people are, it doesn’t mean much.


I’m horrible at this game. I can’t compare to any player. Also I only have 2 whiten bags so far.


At least you make up for it with your amazing writing abilities! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! :slight_smile:






Good? No.

Top Player? Absolutely No.


I’d be so happy if i got 400 base, which I have, but only once.


No, it’s not.


Comprehending the English language for native speakers can be quite difficult for those of an even amount of chromosome pairs.


I’ll probably sound a bit pretentious, but I would consider myself a good player.

Having played a rough total of 3000 hours (3 years of active playing and a year of being inactive), my knowledge of the game would definitely be in the top percentile.

I’m highly ambitious in-game and have a ‘top teir’ account (compared to most accounts) I’m still not satisfied with, that has 22 8/8/s, 2 divine pets and a decent amount of UTs. I’ve also gotten white star 3 times (all train, would’ve gotten whitr without train eventually on my main anyway) and have a yellow star testing account I’ll probably never get to use again…

As for skill, I have enough experience on each class to be able to play effectively with or without a group. (Although I could improve on mystic!) My dodging is above average with thousands of hours of repetition developing my muscle memory (but I’ve seen better).


off topic, Thanks for your very generous donation Shu!


I think I am a good player, my dodging skills are pretty good. I don’t have the patience to do stuff that people like Btel and others do. I have a very good understanding of RotMG and its dungeons/events. I dont give stuff to others but I will drop lots of stuff (anything from pots to old tops) in gland to be found.

Every once in awhile during a morning I like to go into a realm petless and try to relive the early days of RotMG. It helps the dodging and reminds me where the Nexus button is.