ArkRumierA's FanArt Collection :D


it looks cleaner without the niegil grave IMO because though it is a meme, u should be drawing most attention to the cool void entity


You heretic! Lol.


i finished the layout, now im drawing background rn.
might take 20 minutes - 1 hour depending on how lazy I am :stuck_out_tongue:
ill upload the picture of not-colored layout soon enough

(the background is beachzone)




btw im gonna upload it in seconds



yes yes i see all those errors and i will fix them as i color them .-. this is just a layout

@solosen and yes you are in that if you look closely

@GGaodzilla see if you can beat meat on it after i finish

@Shatter and yes i will add you in too cuz why not
(but you will be in water even though you are land-fish)


A day at the beach with no Party God? Looks good so far!


nobody loves party god :stuck_out_tongue:




You’ll go down as a matyr my man, leave no earth unsalted.


now thinking of it with seelpit’s ninja drawing, I don’t really like it’s layout that much (not what I really wanted it to be).

Thinking of making a new layout, but I have 3 Choices :

  • Just finish that and work on other themes smh
  • Abandon that layout and make a new one
  • Finish that but make another one as well xdddd

0 voters

actually i just want to see people’s opinions but i dont rly care so ill just abandon the layout and make a better one :clap: @seelpit sorry but u gotta wait a bit more :c


galileo was also a heretic, but he changed science for the better. so does that mean i’ll become a rich, world-class scientist too!!!


it may be 3:50AM here but im still here cuz im still ‘thinking’ of the drawing



Spent my 5 hours of bedtime only for this part of the layout.
probably my most put-in-effort drawing i have ever drawn in my life.

4:34 AM here, tell me what to do

  • Just go to sleep already kid
  • Finish the layout and then go to sleep you tard
  • Fuck you just finish the drawing right now within the next 10 hours
  • Eww you suck you dont have niegil grave in there

0 voters




looks like I’m the only one voting right now… These drawings could all look really cool if you finished them!


but…but…im lazy af…

(and yes im working on the drawing right now the drawing notebook is right in front of me)


sleep is much more important than satisfying 3 people


Touché. Lol good point.


What is that supposed to be?