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Boil em mash em stick em in a stew.

Thoughts on Steam Deck?


It’s not going to take off. With the pandemic already locking people inside, along with Steam not being a mainstream player in the consoles market, I predict it will either do reasonably well or get abandoned by steam. Perhaps both (TF2 player moment).

That said, perhaps it could be a strong competitor to Switch and make its userbase bleed, but with Nintendo’s insane selection of games + strong foothold, along with steam deck just being a shitty 1990s computer trying to be like Switch except better, I don’t have huge hopes. Perhaps Steam will garner more money from its already big player base though.

(I’m comparing Steam Deck to Switch a lot because from what I have heard and seen they seem to be closely related)

What is your favorite animal (to eat)?


I’m not sure that comparison is valid, the deck is clearly inspired by the switch but it isn’t a console, it’s a PC. it’s not like a PC, it is a PC. anything you’d do on your computer right now can be done on it. you can connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to it and leave it on your desk and it would function like the computer you’re using to view this forum. you can even install windows on it and then it becomes exactly like what you’re familiar with. this also means that the steam deck isn’t limited to steam games, any game you could put onto your PC can be put onto the deck. you could get games off GoG or the Epic Store (if you wanted to for some reason lmao) and still play them on the deck. to me it would probably be better looked at as a hybrid of gaming PC and laptop than a normal game console in terms of what you need.

that said I won’t get one either because I do have a laptop already and it doesn’t need replacing. it’s a neat piece of tech but I don’t need one. the Switch on the other hand has an upcoming metroid game I need so I probably will get one of those.

chicken I suppose, not because of the meat itself but because of how versatile it is.

have you ever experienced intense deja vu?


Yes. I have literally had dreams of events that wouldn’t occur for many years. Not all of them were significant events, but a couple were. It was a little spooky sometimes.

What is likely the most obscure console game you have ever played?


An old Pac-Man game my cousin used to have on some sort of old console. You ran around and broke stuff in third-person trying to escape, but we never were able to. It’s so obscure I don’t even remember the name of the console, let alone the game.

What’s your favorite board game?

edit : now that i look it up, it was most likely one of the pac-man world games.


i don’t know but one of my favorites is Machi Koro. I don’t know if it is an english game originally but it’s really fun
what is your favorite dungeon in rotmg


Oryx’s Sanctuary, the mini’s are for the most part a good challenge (outside of beisa), and require players to learns the shot patterns instead of being carried by groups. Oryx himself is sweat inducing and is a really fun challenge overall, but most importantly, the loot feels deserved and at the very least, you will get guaranteed glife and gmana from oryx himself, which makes completing the dungeon feel well worth it to the player(cough cough SHATTERS).

Thoughts on the star rank and fame rework in general?


I think both were excellent changes overall. Seeing a white star is back to being a somewhat rare occurrence which is pretty fun! I am sure in 6 months there will be a ton of them again, but for now it is really refreshing to see so many blue and red stars.

What is (/was) your favorite class in school?


Latin. Used to hate it, but then this year me and one other kid (who happened to be one of my best friends) were the only people taking one of the advanced levels of it and we had an amazing teacher. Then my friend dropped out, so it was a one on one class. Still cool tho.

What’s your coolest hidden talent?


Hmm, I’m very fast and exact at mental arithmetics. I remeber several funny situations in meetings at work where different cases should be compared and I just sat there and got all the numbers out. :smiley:

What’s your favorite location to live? (And do you live in your adopted country? )


Personally, I would love to live in the White Mountains in the USA.
I go up there on Sundays as much as I can and have occasionally been there for a whole week with my family.
I live in the U.S, just not in the mountains

Do you prefer the ocean or the mountains?


Mountains for sure! I’ve lived near the Rocky Mountains my whole life and absolutely love them!

What’s your favorite Pokemon?


Naked Giratina.

What’s the most memorable dream / nightmare you’ve had?


that i got an o3 triple white but dcd before i could pick it up.

what is your favorite Warframe from the game Warframe


I don’t play Warframe

What is your opinion on threads being necrobumped?


i love it if the tread is interesting

what is a weird food combo that is actually really good?


A nice peanut butter and tuna fish sandwich.

What is better book than A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?


i love A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but im more of medieval-ish fantasy not based on history or earth.

  • Brandon Sanderson is amazing
    - Stormlight archives series is great
    - Mistborn was cool to but not as good imo
    -The Emperors Soul is one of my favourite short stories ever
  • Patrick Rothfuss is great but i wish he would hurry up on his 3rd book (He also Wrote a short story on one of my favourite Characters, Auri, Which is called The Slow Regard of Silent things, which is very cute)
  • Jay Kristoff is an aussie who i think is an amazing writer, Nevernight and the rest of that series are the only ones ive read though, im going to get his latest book very soon.
    -Scott lynch, Gentleman Bastard Series is very, very good
  • Mark Lawrence
  • Joe Abercrombie
  • Peter V. Brett
  • James Islington
  • Brent Weeks
  • Sarah J. Mass is good too, her books follow a bit of a formula but it works and i still like it (a few other authors in this list do the same thing though so dont mind it)
    all write good stuff, or at least what ive read of them has been great
    My Favourite Sci-fi author would probably be
  • John Scalzi
  • George R.R. Martin wrote one i really enjoyed called Tuf Voyaging
    Some Classic/Older authors that are great:
    -Robin Hobb
    -Raymond E. Feist, he has a lot of books and is in the middle of an interesting series right now
    -David Eddings, i haven’t actually reread his books recently but i enjoyed them when i first read them
    -Terry Pratchett, great author, released a series with
  • Stephen Baxter, Called The Long Earth which is great, I read some more of his work and enjoyed that too
  • Ursula K. Le Guin wrote The Wizard of EarthSea books which are great
    Other books/series
    -Gracling, by Kristin Cashore
    -The Dragon Whisperer, and
  • How to Train Your Dragon (the books are 10000000000000000000000x better than the movies), both of these i read when i was very young but i still enjoy them today
  • His Dark materials
  • Anthony Ryans Series

More to come in a future edit on manga, manhwa etc. if your arent interested in that stuff then try some it anyway, i dont watch anime much but it can be very good but imo the manga/webnovel/lightnovel etc is almost always better, this is true with all the other books i mentioned here.

the book >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the movie most of the time
Good movie originals/movie only/ tv shows <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Good Books
im a book person.

Cats or dogs? imo cats are better but to add depth to this do you like the really playful dogs that have to exercise a lot, or more calm and lazy ones (the ones i prefer), same question for cats.

also if you have any recommendations for me on books add them in somewhere or @ me in general, same for anyone else

tanks for pointing out the typo mate :slight_smile:


Why not both!
and yes, the lazy and calm ones for me, mostly for practical reasons, but I’m also a bit lazy myself.

Here’s a video game question.
hitscan bullets or physical projectile bullets?

Typo found.


Tough choice… both can be fun to use in their own ways but personally I’m not very good with making small adjustments in aim so probably hitscan bullets.

Favourite type of fruit juice (if you enjoy that kind of thing)?