Ask the Person Below You a Question


That’s spooky. I have no “under” for my bed.

Hell or High Water was a really good one I saw recently. (Can’t remember any notable others.)

Is it time to stop?



Have you ever been out without underwear?



Grass or weeds


Grass, there are lots of animals that eat grass, cows,deers…never heard of one eating weed < .>

What would you do with Oryx if given 30minutes alone with him.


kill him over and over again

who is Shaxasno


Shaxasno is one of the names I’ve found while searching through Demon/Angel names long ago. It’s one of the names I’ve kept with me, using it in different games. As well as one other one.

The Shaxasno in Rotmg though, is a strong knight who only protects the priests. He’s also a priest that only heals knights. < .>

If there was a white bag in the third boss of shatters, and suddenly 4 avatars pop up out of no where surrounding you at each corner beggining to pulse, would you run for the bag (which is in the very middle) and try and loot, or nexus?

Tell us where your name came from!

attempt to get what’s in the bag but nexus the moment it seems like i’m about to die

what’s something you aspire for in life?


Making my parents happy

If you could revive anyone who would it be?


anyone who pays me enough

if you could kill anyone who would it be


god, seems like a revolutionary idea

why is rotmg community so crappy


cause it is

why are you looking at my post


b/c you posted a post…

why did laserquest post such an obvious question


he wants to add to the conversation

Best UT?


poison fang dagger or Robe of the Tlatoani

worst ut


Jugg or ogmur

best game


forum game

worst game


Not sure, corrupt a wish is pretty bad, this one isnt very fun either click dah link fro trigger

Do you think it would be fun if all the mods and admins of this forum were banned from it?


Would be fun for only a little while, but then the forums would probably be filled with spam and Bs / Anarchys or what ever.

Do you love knights as much as I do?


No, because I’m not a blue star I’m not too much of a fan of melees in general.

What do you think is the most biased opinion?


humanity should exist

least fav forum game