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do you still use a physical calculator or do you just search it up?


I use whatever is closest to me really.

Jugg or Ogmur?


Technically that can be done with any fluid that has the same viscosity as water



Would you rather rule over the continents of Europe and Africa or Australia and South America?


All the continents in the continents Europe and Africa or Australia and South America? Iā€™ll just assume you meant contents.
Europe and Africa

Red, blue or cactus?


Whoops, I fixed it


If you could travel through time and back once where would you go?


Actually going back in time is impossible.
Iā€™d go 20 years forward to see what will happen to Realm.

Light or dark theme for this forum?



If you could be any Dinosaur what species would you be?


Troodon. The dinosaurā€™s relatively large brain mass to body mass is a sign that it was probably a very intelligent animal.

Most hated subject?



Favorite board game?


The Lego board game Battle for Helmā€™s Deep.

Weirdest sounding language?


Different languages fascinate me
Id say Swahili sounds very different from many other languages Ive heard.

If you could resurrect someone from the dead for only 6 hours who would you want to meet ? It could be a famous figure or someone who was close to you


None. Iā€™m special that way.
If I had to choose; Iā€™d do Hitler or Stalin. Not because I subscribe to their ideology; but because I want to know why they did the things they did.

Cringiest/worst anime every watched?
(dont wanna even say mine jeez)


mars of destruction, honestly the worst thing iā€™ve ever watched in general. the story is generic and at the same time garbage, and the animation is honestly shit.

edit: oops

pet of choice?


<where is thine question?>
Mine is GuP, 10/10 for cringiest anime

I believe that having pets is a stupid idea tbh

Favorite style of food?



Slushies or ice cream since the topic of food has come up


Ice cream

What do you dislike about yourself?


Bit of a weird answer but Iā€™m afraid of doing flips because I might hurt myself, but I really want to be able to do them lol

How would you paint the walls/ceiling of your residence if you had the choice?


light blue or white (or like ocean waves)

If you got $10 million but had to give it to someone else
Who would you give it to?