Ask the Person Below You a Question



How can I kill myself while maximizing the number of people I kill while doing it?

Person below me answer the morbid question I used.


Press a switch launching every nuke in such a pattern that it effects every square inch of the Earth


I bet you feel really stupid right now, huh?

What is your favorite full UT set based on how it looks?


/off-topic We donā€™t even need half the nukes on the Earth to completely destroy it. In order to maximize the people killed, we would need to kill everyone on the ISS. Sure and ICBM could probably hit them if they were stationary, but I donā€™t know about at full speedā€¦

The forbidden jungle necro set. /s

^suspicious white space

Are you capable of completing a pirate cave?


yes. Pirate Caves arenā€™t diificult(athough the meme that they are the hardest in the game is really funny)

Do you farm forest mazes for speed sprouts to use in wcā€™s when your character has low speed?


No. I usually use characters that naturally have speedy or some sort of rushing capabilities. (for example my trickster and warrior.)

Do you think we should have more epic dungeons? (pirate cave to ddocks for example)


Maybeā€¦ I mean the last two have turned out pretty well, but a epic sewers, that might not be so great.

Favorite item in the whole game?


void blade

on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall happiness?


what was your finest moment is rotmg


Mistiming an oreo sit on the avatar.
My new realm motto is ā€œdont be stupidĀ©ā€

How many posts will this thread get before it dies?


What was the most unusual pet youā€™ve seen (in person)?


a bull
what is your favorite sport?



Are you someone who posts in both this and the Do you thread?


why am i still here ;_;


Apparantly you enjoy using this forum.

Favourite cheese?


Favorite class? (any class, school rotmg etc)



Favorite color?



How tall are you?



Favorite skin in RotMG?


O shoot I like a lot of them. My fav that I have is probably Misery Ghost Bride Huntress.

Do you use Nerf blasters?


Yes, because they donā€™t hurt like heck, Iā€™ve never seen why airsoft or paintball would be so fun, of course Iā€™ve never tried either

Most base fame on a knight ppe?