Ask the Person Below You a Question


I know you did in nest, I got at least 50. Dropped bunch of wyrms and star mother, and few dominions.

Favorite white bag item in the game?


Stinger dagger. Never got it before, but oh boy do I want it.

Most overrated rotmg item?


Omnipotent ring.

Favorite food?


Type, Korean. Item, Chuu-ugh tang.

Least favorite RoTMG mechanic?


lag ekcs dee

most favorite rotmg mechanic?


nexus key finally fixed

best boss fight? (not the hardest, just the most fun to do in general)


i guess oryx 2 on assassin, stheno is also fun because of how easy it is

Favorite white bag weapon?


Sword of the Colossus overall, but Cutlass out of the ones I have.

Lost Halls or Shatters? (enjoyment, not loot)


Iā€™ve never completed either lelxd. But Iā€™ve done part of a shatts before chickening out and my first impression is the dungeon design is horrible and ugly

favorite class to ppe?



on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you respect women?



Favorite class to play in general?


Bowtanking Priest, Chain-sealing Paladin, or Rogue

Least favorite class?


Priest unless I have a Prot or something, since itā€™s nowhere near my play-style.

How discover RotMG?



Do you hate idiot light bluestars ruining paras because they donā€™t know how to operate barrels (more of a rhetorical question than anything)


Eh, they canā€™t do much harm. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever died/dropped HP because of them. ALTHOUGHā€¦yeah, they can be annoying.

Check my RealmEye and rate my skill? (1-10)

be honest plz i wont be angry



Sexiest rotmg set?


In all of the game? Colo Sword, Ogmur, New Life, and Omni.

Your thoughts on endgame dungeon Discords?


I hate raiding discords, theyā€™re all either boring, pretentious, dead, or some combination of those 3 qualities

Whatā€™s your favorite number that isnā€™t pi, e, 420, or 69?


Man, you removed my 4 favorite numbers from potential solutionsā€¦ but you didnā€™t remove 42!!! Truthfully though, I just like 2. No good reason for it, I just do.

Why do you still check what happens on this thread?


Cuz i donā€™t have a life.

Have you ever been super super super super super [ā€¦] proud of something you have done ?