Ask the Person Below You a Question


Sushi, Korean BBQ, curry, cheeseburgers, miso soup, Chipotle’s asada with extra corn, the whole shebang.

What would you buy to make a cashier the most uncomfortable?


Lots of cat stuff.
Like, those 3 meters tall cat toys.

What is your favorite game style?


I know ludwiga answered but his answer was boring

I’d get some rubber bands, a coat hanger, a gallon of “personal” lubricant, a children’s coloring book, the quirkiest panties I could find, and a single orange. I’d also pray that I suddenly develop telepathy so I can find out wtf they think I need this stuff for

metroidvania games I suppose, either that or whatever category monster hunter is supposed to belong to

what is/was your favorite part of the playground?


My elementary school playground had a huge spider web area. It was my favorite because my friends and I used it to play this epic combination of “tag” and “the floor is lava”. One of my friends slipped from the top and hit his chin at the bottom, and later had to get stitches.

Best type of cheese?



How are you doing?


I’m doing fine, thank you! :heart:

Any stuffed animal you were/are fond of?


A large alligator doll that was the length of my five year old body

Favorite animal to have as pet?


A golden retriever seems dope and friendly (friendly as in not biting my hand off), so probably one of those.

Favorite TV show?


Beast Wars

Least favourite fish?



If you could make one change to RotMG, what would you do?


Close it down forever.

How did you come to the forum?



would you rather bathe in seaweed or vinegar


I’m not entirely sure how to answer this because seaweed isn’t a liquid like vinegar is, on top of there being different kinds of seaweed out there. my answer is probably seaweed, but there’s so many unknown factors going into what “bathing in seaweed” means that I can’t be sure.

have you ever been camping? if yes, how long did you stay and did you like it?


I have been camping several times, and I enjoy it quite a bit. I have been on camping trips ranging from just one night to about a week (I have also lived in a tent in the woods for ~2.5 months at a time a few times, but people gave me my food so I’m not sure that counts).

Fastest you’ve ever smashed that “like” button?


I smashed the <3 button so fast, the other person got the like notification before their post finished loading for them ;3

What’s the most you’ve eaten in a day?


Too much
Started of with like 8-12 pancakes, Later had 2 large burgers for lunch, and then at dinner I ate a whole large pizza and a half, with various snacks in between
Puberty is wild

Dungeon most worth clearing?



What is your preferred amount of players for Uno?


3-5, but much more importantly than number of players is starting hand size. I much prefer games that start with hand sizes of 15-20+, 10 at the very minimum (I think the highest I’ve gone is 50 but don’t know for sure). it makes it more likely for +2’s and +4’s to chain around since people have more cards to work with, which makes the game more interesting. games with small starting hand sizes end too quickly and aren’t as satisfying imo.

how embarrassed would you be if the typical “oh no I’m naked in public” dream happened to you for real?


Not really ngl unless someone I know saw uwu wouldn’t I be arrested tho
How have you been dealing with corona boredom?


3D minecraft potions.

Would you rather put an end to the never ending bots in the Nexus, or put an end to every, repetitive, annoying joke about the same thing over and over like CRYSTAL Clear water, Popping oryx tp, and stop trades when you get a rare white. Seriously, i saw no one fake a white. Trades are just annoying.