Ask the Person Below You a Question


Assassin or sorcerer

Most underrated RotMG class and why?


Bard because it just so op for rushing if you have the lute from tomb in my opinion.

Thoughts on divinity?


Discord: they seem pretty toxic but I usually don’t really pay attention to the raiders/rls so it’s fine for me
Sword: looks like it’s stupidly op, only outdamaged by t14 sword and colo and cutlass and pixie and dblade, and all of those are hard to get/hard to use. It’s hard to get, but really easy to use, like the t14 sword . It pierces which is insane and I think it eventually outdamages t14 sword

How long have you played realm?


3 years and proudly inactive. Maybe 4 if you count the times a friend let me play on their account.

How funny do you think you are?


2/10 funny, 10/10 funny looking

What celebrity do you think would be the least likely to save your life if they had the opportunity


I won’t say who, but there is a celebrity that shares a name with me (first and last). I happen to own the website "[firstname][lastname].com, and he tried to buy it off me a few years ago with no success. I am guessing he is the only celebrity with any sort of disposition to me. I don’t know if sharing a name would outweigh me denying him the website, but I can totally picture him turning away in disgust.

If you had the opportunity to be in the first colonization group to Mars, knowing that you would never return to Earth, would you take the opportunity? What would make you decide one way or the other?


Definitely not going to Mars, can’t really see any point and the amount of health problems low gravity presents, yeesh. Also I happen to like some people, shows, and games here and yet, for some unknown reason, don’t like a dust covered, subzero, desert with absolutely nothing of any interest on it except for maybe tornadoes of an ungodly size…

Why do people even want to go to Mars???


Well, I suppose it would be cool to go to outer space, and it would be very exciting.
What games do you play other than RotMG??


I used to play Monster Legends but powercreep made it boring and Mighty Party but the devs ruined the game. I honestly wouldn’t recommend either to anyone in their current state. Rewind a couple of years and I would without hesitation. I play PvZ GW2 occasionally and I end up having a lot of fun, RotMG is just more fun for me.

Would you eat your pet(s) if you were starving


I’d hug her then cry until i starved

Why ask such a sad question? My question will be uhhh, do you like ponies?


Yes I have two, but I like goaties more

If you suddenly had to pay $15 to play RotMG, would you still play?


I’ve spent almost 4-5 hundred on it by this point, (I spend a set small amount per paycheck, like 20-30 bucks, because I enjoy the game and would like to support it)

Have you ever spent money on this game?


To answer your question:
“Well yes but actually no” - Pirate Captain (So You Want to Be a Pirate)
“Time is money” -Benjamin Franklin
I haven’t spent any real money on the game

If you could change your star to a different color (light blue, blue, red, orange, yellow, white) what color and why?


I would keep it as is. Though I know a lot of people got white star through fame trains and other cheeky methods, I feel like I worked pretty hard for it and I like to see it next to my name. I have spent a silly amount of time on the game, so it is nice to have that automatic “veteran” recognition, even if some people stereotype whitestars to be jerks or hackers. If I had to change I would change it to light blue just to see if people really would treat me differently.

What game do you think would be amazing if ported to VR?


Among us

If you had to pick one person to be killed out of all of Earth’s population, would you rather make it random or get to choose


Choose and I choose myself as I could never justify killing another, no matter how terrible they are. Although it may not seem as major, I too have done wrong and thus hold no right to judge.

What is the most donuts you’ve eaten in one sitting?



then I stood up and ate 3 more

who is the person you look up to most on this forum
yeah nvm that was I bad question I know it’s me


I would say Nevov.

Here’s a question I got from online: Let’s say everyone in the world was required to have a warning label (eg. “I bite,” “Infectious waste,” “Damaged goods”). What would yours be?



Favorite YouTube channel?


Markiplier. First channel I got hooked into.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?