Ask the Person Below You a Question


I vaguely remember considering “Alpha” for part of my name, but that sounded cringy. Then I got to “Beta” and I was like, “Hell, nah. I ain’t some beta male.” Then I went to “Gamma” and some part of my head thought it was a genius idea to use it. Since just “Gamma” was taken, I added “Gamer” because it was close to it. And thus, a walking meme was born.

What are you sitting/lying/standing on right now?


Sitting on my couch

Well if you are like best of the best and you play soccer in Europe, you are making like $500k a week, not even joking

What was your biggest disappointment in life? (yes I know it’s a trash question)


I can’t think of any big one IRL, but I checked Muledump last year and found enough candies to 8/8 a ton of characters, only to realize that most of them were on mules. That was disappointing :frowning_face:

Do you have a favorite poem?


I like this gem: "There was once a woman named Alice, who used dynamite for a phallus; they found her v----a in North Carolina, and bits of her tits in Brazil.

What is your favorite block in minecraft? Mine is stone brick :slight_smile:


I was thinking about that question the other day, and especially the fact that I don’t have an answer for it. Beacons are nice aesthetically, though. And yes, stone bricks are nice. (Mostly because stone-based blocks have great varieties of mossy, cracked, and chiseled textures.)

Tallest altitude you’ve physically been in?


Huh, I dunno the exact altitude but my family and I drove up one of the Rocky Mountains (a small one, there was like a visitor center, it was at a national park) so that was pretty high. It would have been fun except 8 year old me almost threw up and had a stomach ache the whole time.

Favorite school subjec?


PE if it counts, math if it doesn’t

Lose all of your maxed characters or all of your UTs and STs?


Uts and sts, if I lost my maxed characters I would probably quit the game, but I would probably quit if I lost my uts and sts, cus I have sooo many, just not very many event whites or endgame dungeon whites.

Which forums do you think has the coolest pfp?



Lose your pet or your UTs and Sts


If you lose your pet you can send a ticket to support and get it back, at least if you accidentally release it. Probably my pet tho, cus I have another max heal rare pet, just no mheal, and I have a ton of fp in my vault for once I get legendary so I could probably get a max uncommon pretty fast

Did I forget a question?


Did someone forget a question?


Cutest dog breed?



How big is your family?


5 people.

Did you dress up for halloween this year?


I’m at the point in my life where I am the one buying candy to hand out, not the one going around the neighborhood :wink:

How much sleep do you get per night?


6 hours most nights, I normally get to sleep around midnight

I’m still gonna dress up when I’m older lol

What do you play realm on?


Unity on an iMac.
What’s the last book you’ve read?


I just finished “The Geometry of Art and Life” by Matila Ghyka, which was phenomenal. I try to switch between fiction and nonfiction, so “The Neuromancer” is next up on my list.

Favorite emoji? Mine are :tada::cactus::fire:


what online abbreviation bugs you the most when you see it but you still use



How do you edit posts (not your own)

Like this -Mynamerr

@Mynamerr but you’re a leader


regs can edit titles of topics, leaders can edit anything

on a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your sleep schedule?