Ask the Person Below You a Question


Sorry, my pimp hand is sore. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Which class needs a buff the most?



If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Depends how you’d distinguish one thing from another. Is a salad that contains everything " one thing " ?

Is a corn dog two things?

I think i’d take steak and die young and happy.

Get a check of 2000$ IRL, but you’re not allowed to play RotMG. Accept?



What is your favorite standard enemy in the realm?


Liches, look at the reactions when you buff em!

Would you choose to raise life’s price to 16 (and now there are 16 inv slots so no scams)


Hell yeah, 16 spots for inventory… that’s awesome.

Have a 100% UT drop rate for yourself, but everytime you complete a dungeon you get account in use. Accept?


A frequent ten minute timeout is something we’re already all used to. I accept.

Oh, and @Trofimowen, I just recreated the “Will you press the button” thread, so you may want to redirect that type of question to here.

What method of torture would break you the fastest?


Probably slitting the wrist. I know, I’m a pussy, espeicially when it comes to pain, but after reading this book about wrists… ugh too bloody to get into (not necessarily slitted by the wrist is eaten while the victim is still alive)

What average household object that’s not usually sharp (i.e. knives) would you least want to bump into by accident?


microwave, b/c its not on sturdy ground, and would probably fall, and kill my foot?

What is your trick for thinking of questions?


I don’t really have a trick for it; I just think of something. It may or may not relate to me in any way.

What is your words per minute?


hmm idk prob around 100, if i didnt need to think about what i was typing.

Favourite food?


Rice - I eat it twice a day most days

Weirdest person you know?


My dad

BBQ skill level?



Get one million gold but the next person you see IRL instantly dies. (better close your eyes for a while)



Accept and tell the military to transport me to north korea.

What shoes do u wear.


“Running shoes” that don’t look like crap.

Hypothetically, if more classes were added and they decided to make a star after white star, what color would it be?


Black star.

Specifically what BRAND of shoes? Sketchers?(LOL)


Sounding like my mom here… I DON’T KNOW MAN. Nothing’s on my shoes that lets me find out what brand it is and i didn’t pay attention to the shoe box when i got it. I honestly don’t give damn about brands.

What’s your greatest weakness?



If you could visit any country in the world, what would it be and why?


Japan bc land of the weeaboos gime dem anime titties

Would you go out with a person of the same gender that looks like the opposite gender? (Assume he/she is to your preferences) (assuming you’re straight) (if you’re gay, why is the sky blue?)