Ask the Person Below You a Question


Donut and coffee
Favorite donut favor.



What do you usually eat for lunch


Burger and Cofee.
Favorite burger topping?


Hot sauce

Favorite cereal


Lucky charms?
Favorite thing that is wasting ur life besides these forums?


Rotmg or any other game

Favorite irl activity


None. In a rush.


Where is your question? After looking at several other posts, i have noticed that you constantly forget something.


Everyone can have an answer, but I suggest to anyone from this point on to have a question before you have the answer. Some people may want to answer a question, then someone puts “idk” and they can’t answer it.

New question:

What were you doing exactly 1 hour ago?


Sitting in a scholarship statistics exam with half an hour to go and being pretty much finished.

When was the last time you exercised physically?


At exactly 11:23 A.M.

Fav experience


Dunno, getting whitebags is quite nice tho.

Do you think one can get addicted to shitposting?



led zeppelin vs


they are both good, but i know more queen songs. queen

best meme?


Shannon Ellis

                                                                                                    Do you like British accents?


Depends. There are some good ones and bad ones.

old music (like 80s or older) or new music(90s and newer)


Old music definitely.

Favorite realm youtuber?



Fav song


2 steps for hell blackheart check it out

worst meme?



best meme?