Ask the Person Below You a Question


What is your favorite emoji?


Image result for thonk

What is your favorite meme?

(If you hate all memes, you do not know da wae)


I have a physical aversion to the me-me.

What do you think human meat tastes like?


There’s a really inappropriate joke here…

but that’s beneath me

badu tis

yeah… that was a really bad joke

What is your favorite type of birb?


Blue jays. They’re cute.

Strongest element in your opinion? Why.


Polonium, hands down. A single gram can kill 'bout a million people, and that’s without hyperbole.

How do you like John Cage’s piece titled 4’33"? Do you enjoy it?


looks like a gimmick

worst thing you ever did in rotmg?


Report hacker

Who is your BFF?


My best comrade I met many moons ago but the first time we met I was introduced to the heel of her shoe. I was fighting with my brother in the street, but as brothers do. It appeared to her i was beating on a much younger person then myself so she decided to come and kick me in the head. I was a pretty good kick because I took a bit to get up. Good times


< insert answer to no question >

What is your favorite celestial body type?


Three way tie between black holes, neutron stars, and the theoretical black dwarf. Search em up, very fascinating.

Do you like your meats (steaks, pork, lamb, duck, etc) rare, mid-rare, medium, mid-well, or well? Why?


well, b/c I dont like deadly bacteria

what do you hate the most


Stupid people. Honestly, it’s sad how many people seem to have approximately six working brain cells.

What is the most underrated movie, in your opinion? (It can still be seen as a good movie, just that you think it is better than most make it out to be)


Favorite meats are steak then chicken in that order. And I love steak medium rare, the blood/myoglobin makes it really juicy.

What kinds of bread do you like?


Go to a Taiwanese bakery, and you’re in heaven. 'Nuff said.

What is your best subject? (Also add your favorite subject for fun)


I’m good at math, but my grade isnt great because homework is stupid. Fav subject is programming

Whats your favorite number?



What is the meaning of life?



nice question!

When do you forget to write questions?


When a smooth boi starts a conversation in this thread and it goes off on a tangent.

What’s a cute hairstyle for girls in your opinion?