Assassin Guide (more-or-less)


I did my Necromancer Guide a while back, now it’s time for the Assassin, my current fourth favorite class to play. The Assassin is considered one of the worst classes in the game by many, but I know that a lot of you guys including me think otherwise.

Pros of the Assassin

The Assassin has been known as the King of the Wine Cellar and for me, the Bane of Oryx, for the longest time. The class is great in events, against bosses, and pretty decent at rushing as well. I like the Assassin because unlike many other classes where you just spam your ability, it takes some skill to master when to throw the Poison and when to save it for another time. Therefore, you are forced to learn the Invulnerability phases of bosses and events. In my opinion, this is what the game is supposed to be like.

Plus you get to, you know, run around with that Agent Skin and think of yourself as Ezio.

Cons of the Assassin

The Assassin’s rushing skill clearly lacks when compared to other dagger classes. His DPS isn’t the best, the Poison deals damage slowly, and he is somewhat squishy. Other than those, there are no real direct “cons” of the Assassin. He’s just pretty mediocre all-around.

Dagger Choices

A Dagger of Foul Malevolence (T12) is often enough to satisfy all of your needs. Its range is as safe as a dagger’s range can be, a reliable DPS output, and none of that weird “wavy shot” pattern.

Pros -

  • Reliable DPS
  • Decently safe range

Cons -

  • Not the best DPS
  • Not the safest range

The Spirit Dagger is basically an alternative Foul. It has a little less range for a higher average damage output. However, its overall damage is less reliable (the damage gap is large), and it has a wavy shot pattern, making it hard to get all of the shots in. For most circumstances, a Foul is just fine, and if you don’t have a Spirit Dagger, it’s not recommended to go for it, since it doesn’t have the highest drop rate, plus a T12 dagger will do the work just as efficiently (maybe more efficiently).

Pros -

  • Good average DPS
  • Good against moving enemies

Cons -

  • Less reliable DPS
  • Less range than Foul

The Carved Golem Remains is by far the safest dagger to play with. With a low damage output, but a nice, safe range, it’s great for both Tricksters and Assassin because they are both quite squishy and need the extra range. Try using it as a swap-out with a tiered dagger to switch around with DPS as safety. A very useful item in general.

Pros -

  • Safest range
  • Good on Tricksters and Assassins

Cons -

  • Low DPS

The Bone Dagger is a situational “piercing” dagger for early-game players that try to clear many enemies at once. It doesn’t deal a lot of damage, so it is recommended to have a tiered dagger along with it. A good and useful beginner dagger, but once you get something better like a Foul, you don’t need to use them anymore.

Pros -

  • Good for clearing many enemies at once

Cons -

  • Less appealing to advanced players
  • Low DPS output

The Queen’s Stinger Dagger is a direct upgrade of the Bone Dagger. It pierces through enemies and ignores defense. An extremely efficient dagger for quickly clearing minions and dealing high amounts of damage to bosses with high defense. Dropping from the advanced dungeon, The Nest, it is a very rewarding white bag drop. I would say it’s worth the time and effort it takes to get one of these.

Pros -

  • Good for clearing many enemies at once
  • Good against enemies with high DEF

Cons -

  • Not the best against single low-DEF enemies
  • Rather hard to obtain

The Dirk of Cronus and Etherite Dagger are two high-damage daggers with short ranges. I don’t recommend using them on an Assassin because the class has no reliable way of protecting itself while getting to close to enemies.

Pros -

  • Extreme damage output

Cons -

  • Low range
  • Less safe

The Symbiotic Ripper is an interesting dagger that deals more damage than an Etherite all the way up to 95 DEF, the same range as a Foul, plus a 120% rate of fire. However, the slow-moving projectiles have trouble hitting fast-moving enemies. Overall, a fantastic dagger that is definitely worth the effort of farming the Crawling Depths.

Pros -

  • Extreme damage output
  • Fast rate of fire

Cons -

  • Slow projectiles
  • Not good against fast-moving enemies

This is DPS graph to help you out on deciding which daggers do how much damage by DEF. The line colors are shown on the upper right corner.

Poison Choices

The standard Baneserpent Poison (T6) is good all-around. Decent damage, mediocre radius. If you don’t think a full Life Potion is worth getting one, just spend a few Defense Potions for a Nightwing Venom (T5). It deals a little less impact damage, but overall, it’s almost just as good.

The Murky Toxin is a special ability that actually throws two poisons. The basic strategy is simple: You can land both in, use it. You can’t, don’t because you’re wasting a ton of MP. You don’t have this? Definitely use it. :grinning:

The Plague Poison is essentially a weak poison with a longer duration and larger radius. A useful item for controlling large crowds of enemies, but I feel like a simple tiered poison would be enough to do the job on most occasions. I don’t have this item, though, so I can’t be too sure.

The Bottled Medusozoan is what I like call the “jelly tick” or “pulse jelly”. This item basically throws a blob of jelly that stays in one location and pulses poison into enemies around it. However, because it doesn’t move, it isn’t very practical against moving enemies. It would be really effective against non-moving or little-moving enemies like chests and some bosses. A cool item, but very situational.

The Parasitic Concoction is what I call the “apple cider” or just “cider” for short. It’s what I called it in my Random Stuffy Stuff Thread. It gives Curse to enemies for 3 seconds, so it’s a great Poison for both teamwork and solo. Only use this Poison if you have a reliable Dagger. Overall, a really handy item to have around, especially against Bosses and events.

Armor Choices

Choosing an armor is mainly based on your playstyle. Pick a playstyle below:

Good DEF, Support DPS - Hydra Silk Armor / Wyrmhide Armor

Support Rushing, Bit of HP-DEF Combo - Leaf Dragon Hide Armor

Support Ability Usage, Bit of SPD - Harlequin Armor

Support DPS, Bit of SPD - Spectral Cloth Armor

Good DEF, Good SPD - Beehemoth Armor

Good DEF, Improve SPD and DPS - Coral Silk Armor

Safest DEF, Lessen SPD - Armor of Nil

Improve DEX and SPD, Lessen ATT - Apiary Armor

Mediocre DEF, Improve ATT and VIT - Golem Garments

Safe-ish DEF, Improve ATT, Lessen VIT - Rags of the Host

And here are my top 7 UT armor picks for the Assassin:

  1. Leaf Dragon Hide Armor - Sure, less DEF. However, the extra HP fixes that. Plus there’s SPD, WIS, and VIT added.

  2. Harlequin Armor - Extra MP and WIS. Helps with the Poison, which is pretty important.

  3. Golem Garments - Improves ATT by a whopping 8, and VIT by a whopping 7. You can’t go wrong with it.

  4. Rags of the Host - IMO, a worse Golem Garments, but still pretty good.

  5. Spectral Cloth Armor - Increases SPD as well as ATT and DEX. Pretty sweet.

  6. Coral Silk Armor - Pretty much a safer Spectral with a larger SPD boost.

  7. Armor of Nil - If you’re gonna go safe, why not all the way, you know?

So yeah, that’s pretty much it. As a quick summary, if you’re more dependent on your Poison, go for the Harlequin Armor with the sweet MP and WIS. Want more versatility with SPD, WIS, and VIT? Go for the Leaf Dragon Hide Armor

Ring Choices

Like choosing an armor, choosing a ring is mainly based on your playstyle. I’m not gonna go over them again because it’ll take time and I don’t really wanna. So I just put down a couple rings that I think are pretty good on the Assassin.

Health Ring - Duh. I mean, you really can’t go wrong with more HP.

Hivemind Circlet - Supporting ability usage as well as DPS, there’s a reason why its part of the Assassin’s ST set.

Interregnum - Come on, it gives 75 HP and 5 ATT. Not the best, but why not, you know?

Horrific Claw - For newer players, this ring is actually pretty good, giving similar stats as the Expo.

Experimental Ring - For really advanced and ambitious players, maybe not, but for decent players, why not? The HP, MP, DEF, and VIT are all really good for safety and ability usage.

Bracer of the Guardian - A well-balanced item that gives you HP, MP, ATT, and DEF. Basically a Nile and Pyra combo. Pretty cool.

Ring of the Spinx - Okay, fine. It’s not the best choice, but think about it. The DEX improves DPS, and the WIS and MP supports ability usage. If you have enough HP and a good pet, this ring isn’t so bad.

Ring of the Pyramid - This ring is more for the players that want pure safety and a bit of DPS boost. A good choice for the Assassin, but not as good as the Nile in my opinion.

Ring of the Nile - Let’s say you’re somewhat good at dodging, and you want a little MP and some other stats to help you out on rushing and DPS. The Nile is for you. A great and balanced ring that provides good stats.

I don’t need to talk about the Bloodshed, Potato, Purple Void Thing, and Omni, do I? I know the answer: No. No, I don’t.


Some tips because why not?

  • Maybe keep a T3 Poison as a swap-out in case you need to spam it a little. I sometimes do this in Abbys because yes, I do Abbys…though I don’t have the balls of steel to properly rush it.

  • Common knowledge: Just have a few HP and MP pots. It’s really not hard. You see these guys?Sumo%20Master They drop a bunch of those good stuff.

  • Try for events as soon as you think you’re ready. Some give loot, drop dungeons, and fame/exp. If you’re lucky enough, you can get yourself a white or ST.

  • Got to a Boss or event? Switch to a T5 or T6 Poison, throw it as many times as you can (I usually find twice or three times enough), try to get a couple shots in with the Dagger, back off until the rest do the job (assuming you’re in a group).

So that pretty much sums it up. I don’t think I did a really good job on it, but I just needed something besides homework and stuff like that. So yeah.


You can also get pots from Guill.

Assassin is typically not a rushing class.

The pros and cons literally contradict each other.


Yeah, I figured this out a few weeks ago. Pretty cool, but what if you’re in the Realm and for some reason, you don’t want to leave?

Why not, though? I know a lot of players who hate Rogue and don’t like the unsettling danger of playing the Trickster. It’s certainly possible, and I’ve done it countless times.

How? A decently safe range isn’t the safest range…What’s the problem?


you didn’t mention the carved golem remains, it’s a great dagger for assassins and tricksters because they need the extra range.


Icky would be disappointed


You know you’re pro on assassin when you can land every single poison on limon when hes moving around, and only on the vulnerable phases.


Great guide :slight_smile:


Assassin is the only one of the dagger classes to not have a rushing ability. Trickster is the most mobile class in the game, while rogue can completely bypass most enemies for 5.5 seconds. Assassin has 75 spd and that’s it. I mean if you count running through a udl as rushing you can do that on any class, but for dungeons that people consider rush jobs, assassin bloody sucks.


How? The Assassin can most definitely rush. High SPD on his side, with high ATT, he can rush quite a few dungeons.

LESS ability, you mean? Yeah, I admit that. However, the dagger classes aren’t the only classes.

You’re simply not giving the Assassin enough credit for the things he’s good at, especially rushing.

I find it impossible to do that.

I forgot lol. I was like “i gotta mention it, it’s a great dagger for squishy classes…oh whoops i forgot!” I’ll fix it now.


play assassin more.
do more sprites.
it gets pretty easy to predict where limon is, and time the poison right.


Assassin can’t rush shit that a robe class can’t rush. Basic godlands dungeons don’t count as rushing when every class can do it just fine. Poison doesn’t help at all during a rush considering it’s an ability that takes almost 5 seconds to actually dish out it’s damage, plus a second to land, and the 200 instant damage doesn’t do shit.

Second, there is literally no niche in the game that supports assassin. You don’t need speed to get soulbound in a wine cellar any more now that oryx is scaled with a shitload of hp; and so is every other dungeon boss. Assassin has a total of ONE poison that gives a debuff, and it’s a debuff that mystic gives better, for less mp, and uses with much easier to obtain items along with the fact that you can be useful with stasis and increased dps.

It’s not good even at crowd control when everything is scaled and archers and huntresses exist to shoot things and deal real damage that doesn’t take waiting 5 seconds, and a shitload of mp.

2/3 of it’s UTs are near useless. Bottled Medusozoan looses all functionality when the boss goes invuln (which is pretty frequent if you haven’t noticed) , doesn’t pierce armor which is pretty much the hallmark of the poison, and has a short range that can’t move so if the boss happens to move a couple tiles, you’re stuck doing nothing until it wears off. Plague is honestly an amazing metaphor for the assassin class itself. It deals a measly 500 damage (fun fact, a level 1 priest does this damage in 2.5 seconds, let that sink in) over 10 SECONDS, for the amazing trade off of 4 more tiles radius. And just for kicks it wasn’t buffed with the original poisons, and still has a 3 second land time, making it take a total of 13 seconds to deal 500 damage. What a deal. Fortunately murky toxin exists because ironically the poison that drops from a literal sewer is less shit than the other 2, and is in most situations an upgrade to t6.

It’s not even the best leech class. Want to leech? Pick up a sorc. Snipe enemies with the longest range projectile in the game that also pierces, and it does only a 200 less dps than assassin. It’s ability does instant damage to the boss for less mp (and how many bosses actually have minions to interrupt the flow of the scepter)? Walls exist? Bring a wizard. A spellbomb where even half the shots land does more damage for less mp in half a second than the poison will do in 5.

Assassin isn’t a jack of all trades, it’s just bad. It has low dps, it has little debuff potential, and 2/3 of it’s UTs are terrible. Sure you can have fun with the class, but it’s not good in the slightest.



'tis a ton a shit


That’s assassin for you


lmao i know it’s one of the worst classes in-game, but it’s still really fun to use, plus it gets me loot really well.




don’t mind me :hugs:


TL;DR: Mana all the way, SPACEBAR


There was a time (when all I played was assassin) that I could do this.


Sorry for dredging this up again but - a class doesn’t need to sit on top of the tier list. Every class can get sb but if you find assassin fun, goddamn it play assassin.


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