Assassin is an under-powered class?


Assassin isn’t very good when comparing his versatility with other classes. Here are my 3 reasons why.

General Play
His dps is decent but the trickster is the way to go when going for dagger dps anyways. He doesn’t have any protective abilities so his rushing is the worse of the three dagger classes if he is meant to rush at all.

His ability is inconvenient. It is an ability that deals damage over time but there’s no real pay off to it so its just sluggish version of any damage dealing ability. Yes you can stack poison and applied poison can hurt invulnerable enemies but dealing bursts of damage with the Wiz or Samurai when the enemy is vulnerable is just as effective considering poisons can only be applied to vulnerable enemies anyways. Also there’s a cast time compared to a wiz and samurai’s instantaneous one.

No Support
Doesn’t have anything unique to be supporting a team of players. No heal, no debuffs, no buffs, no quirky ability for protection or rushing, just deals damage which if you are going to do, just play Wiz.


Compared to wizard, he offers AOE. That’s kind of his entire point… Compared to Samourai, he can hit any point on the screen while Samourai is limited to a vcery restricted range. Plus, assasin’s ability is not going to acctidently get stuck on the wall. As for not having anything unique, AOE damage over time which is unaffected by defense. As for no support, neither does wizard. For you’re general play, tricksters dps is technichally highest but assasin has an ability which does damage so overall dps is prob higher and it allows for him to use a decent weapon (the dagger) while also being able to land ranged damage in dangerous scenarios.


What are you talking about Assassin is lazy fun. Assassin is the most laid back and straight forward class, just throw a poison. There is a pay off, you dont even need to work for you loot, you just get it 4head. Did I mention you’re safe in any position? You just need to land a poison and you get sb damage. Wait, actually just play wizard? Danm you have to be that ignorant to say that lmao.


You have good points. I guess i was wrong for the most part. But in my opinion his ability is slow for the pace that Rotmg runs at now. In the time his poisons takes effect, you can deal much more damage all around with other classes in the same time.


Assassin is definitely one of the slower classes in the game and I personally don’t quite enjoy his playstyle. However, I have quite a couple of friends that do and I think that if you don’t mind the fact he’s a bit slow, he’s a solid class.


Not of ignorance. It was perspective and opinion. Under the notion of just dealing damage, the wizard is the way to go and i’m not saying to out right replace the assassin. I acknowledge your point of a more lazy fun class to you and probably others but to clarify my viewpoint i was mainly thinking under the method of dealing damage quickly and effectively if not support others doing that. Assassin is a slow class to play after all with his poison so i don’t particularly find it fun.


assassin is easily the weakest class and has no strong selling point.

wizard’s not about AoE? what about huntress? assassin’s ability is essentially an inferior trap. traps cost less mp to use, inflict slow for a whopping 6 seconds, and if you miss the trap gets set on the ground instead of splashing on the ground getting wasted. obviously it’s true that traps inflict substantially less overall damage than a poison, but huntress’s superior weapon type easily handles the extra damage gap. if you’re playing just to throw poisons and to be lazy, traps handle that playstyle just as easily because sb thresholds are so embarrassingly tiny.

A lot of people tend to forget huntress exists because she’s largely overshadowed by archer, but she’s still better at assassin’s job than the assassin is. she also actually has support options in the form of status, and her weapon type is much more useful than what the assassin gets stuck with. assassin is the only class that’s even more boring than the wizard, which is pretty bad.


Um… DPS…isn’t that the big difference between assasin and huntress. Also, if you’re doing small group runs, you’re own dps kinda matters so (not for sb but so the entire thing doesn’t take a million years). Also, huntress > archer. Used to be my favorite character :smiley: . Now it’s just after warrior and trickster. Plus assassins only boring if you don’t use the dagger and only use the poison. Although I use the poison a lot, I still dodge and land in attacks with the dagger. Still though dagger is one of my least favorite characters, just above sorc, wizard, and rogue, just because they keep dying to the stupidest things.


I agree with you in context with the huntress. Especially since she can debuff too. But with Leohe’s arguments, the assassin isn’t as bad as i thought it was and that poisons will deal much more damage than traps overall. The main thing i’m not fond of is that his ability is slow hence boring resulting in a kind of mediocre class. But just as the Archer overshadows the Huntress, the Huntress may overshadow the Assassin.


You don’t even need to say it; It’s one of those things like “Donald Trump is the President”




It’s slow yes. But the speed balances the damage, as one well placed poison can do more damage than any other class ability. It also offers more flexibility than most abilities, not requiring line of sight, being able to target anything on screen, including enemies that would otherwise be impossible to hit such as enemies in walls. And it ignores armour, good against many end of game enemies.


The assassin’s slowly lost his edge as time passed. The game shifted from the slow gears all the way to fast gears, especially when pets and organised discord runs became the norm. His main strength now is that his ability has the capability of eradicating large swaths of enemies, but it is no surprise that his strength barely shines in a large group due to the numerous piercing classes that have far greater dps than he does.

His DPS isn’t bad in itself, but it is very average even if u could continue spewing out poisons, and people don’t like average, they want a class that excels at something. If the assassin’s main strength is something other classes could easily achieve while retaining their strengths, or even potentially outclassing his own strength, then it’s pretty hard for people to pick assassin when these other options are available.

So is assassin an underpowered class? I say yes.


not true. void quiver, daybreak chakram, crossing fires waki, devastation, grotesque scepter, and now helm of draconic dominance all do more damage. if you limit the comparison to tiered abilities, he still loses to shields, spells, and wakis, and he only ties stars in damage but still loses to rate of application. granted only spells are as flexible in damage application as poisons are out of the listed options, but poisons still have a long way to go before they do “more damage than any other class ability”. honestly they could do 2K damage each and they still might run into issues depending on how quickly the poisons act. rotmg is a much faster paced game than it originally was back when assassin was sorta useful.


Wow the disrespect towards assassin.

First off, you play assassin for fun and dps threshold is not that high anyways so you really wouldn’t need to use poison in a huge group for chests… You need like a “1 click and hold” on a mouse and you get loot.

Secondly, it provides AOE - That’s how it supports the group when they can’t do nuthing. Range classes are squishy and too afraid to do anything. On top of that if your in a 3-10 man group, the AOE is nice to have especially if there are tons of enemies that pile up and no piercing weapons or abilities.

Lastly, you get the experience of “lazy” gameplay. After hours of grinding with melee, going to this class kinda releases the tension from your buttcheeks when you get hit with a 300 damage shot and blinking. In a sense, you chuck and run.

Assassin is a great class. Maybe it’s not great for fast pace gameplay, but at least you have fun throwing poisons and letting the enemies slowly burn to rubble (for me it is).


Yeah, assassin’s main attractiveness to me isn’t godly dps, it’s how fun its to play


It’s satisfying to see the -“120” over and over though…
In your head: “Damn I timed that so well… now I don’t gotta use my dagger. Losers”

Huntress imo is just cancerous. Just play Archer if your looking for DPS. While huntress has the same mechanics as assassin’s ability, you just don’t get to experience that effect that poisons show when you hit an enemy. When you look at the abilities ALONE - you can see that If you’re really excited about “A whopping 6 seconds of slow, with minimal damage” then go for it. To me, it’s not really that exciting. Dealing damage with an ability has to be the most satisfying thing ever when it comes to class like Wizard, Ninja, or Assassin. Assassin makes you aim and time things until you memorize it. When you do, it’s satisfying when you get the hit (at least to me).

“If you miss the trap gets set on the ground instead of splashing on the ground getting wasted”

^Literally get better if you’re playing this hard? lol. If you’re looking for “I want to get damage as fast as possible” go play damn melee or wizard and move on. If you simply don’t care about getting loot or damage either way, just have fun with it. There’s no discussion about this.

People gotta remember threshold ain’t high… so technically all of the classes don’t matter. As long as you click and hold your mouse until chest or whatever system is dead, then you will get loot. Simple as that.

Whether this addresses some of your points or not.… I wanted to get my thoughts out here. Thanks everyone for reading my TED Talk.

Side note: This Casino game got me addicted to numbers. In real life, this addiction doesn’t apply to me. #blessed


friends like me :slight_smile:


Against a single target maybe. But when I lob a poison at a godwall (or Skull Shrine, or Cube God, or O2) and do 10,000+ damage over a few seconds I can’t think of any other ability that even comes close.

That’s what I meant, when I wrote a poison can do more damage. Not all the time, no, but in many situations it is uniquely able to do lots of damage over a large area.


Well, if you live in the U.K i guess not but