
Okay I was stupid back then, one of my other names was Groundonple don’t judge me.

I wish I could change it but no am not spending 1000 gold on my name.


What is a Groundonple? o.o


Haha, I dunno just thought of the pokemon and a pole I guess??


LOL but wat is a groundon > . < isnt it groudon?


Oh, yeah I’m bad at spelling, I think?

Ground + on + pole = Groundonple Very Creative Name Lol

One of my other names on this other game, am not saying, was Bublochimp, okay bad name but that wasn’t my fault someone suggested it to me.


huh o.o wat kinda name is that XD


Lawl I dunno, LamChopss what kinda name is that then?

Don’t question my naming sense, it’s amazing.


My name is better. It’s become a meme in MCH.


No me.


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