At this point, DECA perma banning all hackers would kill the game


They have done such a shitty job with hackers that they make up way too much of the player base now and too many people rely on hacks to play. I bet, if they perma banned all people hacking,duping,rwting, the game would completely and utterly die because the playerbase would be almost halved. I think it’s a sad truth that at this point, the game either needs to see a resurgence or hackers have to stay.


I would prefer realm dead, than surviving with hackers money.


Nonsense. I don’t know where you get you numbers from, but even if half of players use hacks, that does not mean the player base would be halved overnight of hacking being fixed.

First I would think many people use hacked clients just because they can, not as they have to. Maybe they want to see what they are missing, or are scared of falling behind others hacking. Maybe they want access to features like a larger view area, that DECA are introducing with Unity. So if DECA manage to stop all hacking, with say the Unity client, then it won’t mean all hackers suddenly leave.

Second banning hackers will make the game a much better place for non-hacking players. Whether it’s the banning of trade/noti bots that litter the world and pollute chat. Or DECA being able to lift restrictions like the Oryx countdown trading restriction and the 2 minute teleport restriction. Or even just making the game a better experience, where skill is more important than having hacks. Banning hackers will make the game a better experience for old and new players, and so will bost numbers of both.


They don’t need to permaban all hackers, they just need to give people the impression that they will be permabanned if they continue hacking.


Deca doesn’t have to permaban every single cheater at once, all they’d need to do is have banwaves every once in a while when they wreck the most egregious offenders.

Flash is going to be dead in less than 2 years. Either this game manages to renew itself or it’s gone for good.

Once that’s out of the way, Deca will have no excuse to keep cheaters around.


Just fix the game and hackers wont exist anymore. They might still play


Tbh even if DECA wanted to ban all hackers, they wouldn’t find evidence for most of them.
Some hacks just aren’t possible to be detected without other player’s video footage.


That’s down to Flash though, When hackers have full access to the code it’s impossible to add security features to detect hacking as they would quickly be disabled.

If Unity is harder to hack it not only slows down the development of hacks but means countermeasures could be more effective because they will be harder to find + remove.


This is such an absurd quote I am ultimately surprised after I realized right now that people actually think this.

First of all, how do you fellas think a team of 5 people would perma ban over hundreds, for ex. 500 people at once? RMGNoob and Mynamerr explained it, it’s simple.


the big brain move is to get rid of RoTMG- you get rid of all RoTMG-based hackers 100% of the time

I doubt that 50% of the playerbase hacks. Do you have any evidence for this accusation?

I think the choice is obvious (even though these do not encompass all the choices)- improve the game, get rid of hackers, and then the game will see a resurgence as old players return to a hacker-free experience.

This is the big cincher- A lot of the current ingame mechanics are in to prevent dupers and other hackers from cucking everyone. Removing the reason for these roadblocks will allow for the increased enjoyment of the remaining and returning players.

This is a huge if- we don’t know the security of Unity.


Looking at your IGN and this post, I’m almost certain you’re an alt.


Take my word for it. Flash is a uniquely insecure platform. Look e.g. at how long it takes hackers to release modified clients. They can only do it so quick as they have full access to the source of any version of the client.


I mean to be fair if you had a couple less stars I’d think you were a mule


In the best possible case of dealing with hacks after unity, there will always be that old school hp bar red pixel detecting hp% autonexus thing from like 2011 and most likely anti confuse, darkness, and blindness, because those are all things that can easily be done by a 5th grader in about an hour. IMO the only “real hacking” that’s happened in recent years has been reconnecting, status immunities, and increasing vision (as opposed to like godmode and shit) . Reconnecting has been fixed and I’m pretty sure all statuses (except for the simple ones I previously mentioned) are out. That leaves this “extremely dangerous hacking crisis causing hundreds of players to leave” as basically just an autonexus that can never be fixed and visuals for the player that don’t affect the actual game. Now I’m not saying this isn’t an issue, it’s just that these alone aren’t much to be worried about, and really cannot be fixed (with the exception of longer vision)


i’M nOt uSiNg hAcKs AnD i’M MiGhTy pRoUd

Or am I using an hacked client and i don’t even know ?


False. Many platforms are “insecure” through decompling. Unity too, can be decompiled.

It usually takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how changed the client code is. Most proxy hacks can simply be loaded effortlessly into the new client. Hacks which rely on certain lines of code within the client, or certain hooks within network events have to be modified upon a new release. Deca has recently, within the last year, heavily obfuscated the client code. Some people have had minor success in reverse engineering this… thus most programmers who use their skills to hack this game, do so by directly modifying the binary code. Of course, they use compilers and decompilers for the binary, no sane programmer writes like that, but it’s still an arduous process. Thus, usually client releases (of the hacked variety), stem from a specific source or developer. Most often, only trusted individuals are given a platform to spread their clients. Cases where things have slipped through the watchful eye of forum moderators of a website that shall not be named, you get incidents, like last year’s great hacker list. Might have been this year, my memory is foggy. Someone snuck a keylogger into a hack client, and wrote a giant pastebin with the names of thousands of players who tried to hack with the client. It was great.

Unity can be decompiled, and you’ll be able to acquire the source code for the client when the port comes out. The secret, is implementing anti-cheat software in the server, or in proxy to the servers, so that such code is not observable.


Your grasp of what hack clients can achieve, what has been fixed, and what can or cannot be fixed in the future, is sorely lacking. I’m not claiming to be experienced through personal experience, however anyone can go to websites that shall not be named, and read the functionality of such clients through text based forums. You can also decompile such clients, and observe the source code of the modifications, and how they interact with packets; if you are of a technical background.


Excuse me but the fact that people can “read all of the changes that a hacked client makes” doesn’t change the fact that the only basic gamechanging aspects at the moment are just those few things. There have always been hackers who have gotten a bad reputation from the community for how it ruins the game or whatever but by now all of the gamechanging things have pretty much been fixed. You don’t see people sitting on avatars, walking through sprite worlds, hitting shatters keys through walls, or connecting back to a dungeon multiple times after nexusing. (Like I said, you can never change autonexus so don’t even mention that)


i agree.


There’s literally no excuse to keep hackers roam free within the game, Deca has simply became too lax about the situation thus bringing things like players who donated to the Unity Campaign and gotten the purple names, or even further to get the purple glow, using hacks and Deca not doing anything about it.

Also there’s the Maximum Efficiency LH discord, that really most of the community should know of their hacking shenanigans, and not only that, the RLs openly encourage their members to use hacked clients, which is absolutely ridiculous that Deca hasn’t done anything about it yet.

At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if someone were to report 2 hackers, one has spent a considerable amount of money on the game and the other one is completely F2P, best case-scenario, Deca would ban the F2P player, because regardless of that, you can’t count on Deca to ban hackers because of their rather crappy, automated “support” system.