Axe class maybe?


Make a class that uses Axe? Like a beserker or something Axe’s have a mid range between dagger and sword but can pierce and has a slower rof also its ability could be like a tomahawk or a ranged axe that can be thrown for huge damage but the down side is that you would have to recollect the axe to use it again faster or you can wait a set time to use it again. it would use heavy armour and instead of rings it would use things called Pendants which act as rings however they give % buffs to stats (the base stats of the char will be super low like 50 for all) with the pendents you can decide which build you want your class to go like a defence orientated or a attack orientated build. not perfect i made it up on the spot while waiting for my internal error wait 10 mins to end so yeah.


Well, I doubt another class will be added for at least another year.


So a katana? I don’t think that deca would put in a class using a katana with slower ROF.

Rings for only 1 type of class will be very… different.


We waited for 6 years for crappy katana user with a shitty spell bomb

And now

I need to wait another 6 years for axe class?:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:


we dont need yet another weapon


Don’t steal my line


I watch Boku no hero academia too!


then make a copyright


i see you’re man of culture as well


We have enough weapon types already. Adding in an axe would produce another Ninja problem - a lack of a second class having the same weapon (although said problem will be solved within the next few days, with the new class coming out).


I’d be more inspired for an axe if its attack pattern was something unique, like swinging to the left and right, to give it a really different feel than the straightahead projectiles of a sword.


Did you see the new chapter 192


i always thought a axe is more powerful than a sword so many be the range should be less than a sword


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