Baby God Pets


I’d put Medusa in Humanoid, as she is a humanoid. Just me though.

Also, this is what I see when I see the constructs:

(I know I’m bad at art)


Nah, I just think the medusa looks too cross-eyed.


Omg I’m so late to this post but I LOVE it! The baby constructs and the medusa actually look amazing to me! I just assumed you were trying to make the baby medusa look chunky and I would totally use it if I got the pet stone. The only 2 I can say need some work are the ent god and beholder. The normal leviathan is a little hard to make out as it is so I can only imagine how difficult an 8x8 version of it was to make. I would also like to say that your videos never cease to amaze me and I hope you can find the motivation to keep it up. I wish you did submit this idea to Deca because I know they would have loved it too, and I need more excitement than just an occasional pot bag when roaming the glands.


When I first saw the Ghost God Pet Stone, I only saw the left eye, because the background in the video as black, matching the right eye. I see the right eye now, it just seemed awkward when I saw it.


*Another reason to godlands farm, almost like the sprinkles on top. I would love to see that little spark of a new addition that is rare to make godlands farming much less dull.
*One thing PTrainers (most, at least) can’t recieve, since it won’t drop to everyone thats around it, only people who got the SB threshold can see that cyan/white (whatever) bag.
*I think DECA has been adding WAY too many skins/pet skins to the game. I understand that’s their way of making revenue, but this is just getting absurd. We don’t need any more, but the prospect of these particular pet stones dropping from things that don’t cost money is something else.
*Whitebag, no thanks. I know it is a 1/10,000 chance, and thats whitebag-worthy, but cyan bags don’t drop from godlands, and pet stones normally drop in cyan bags.


beholder looks good


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