Back with another Muledump update for 27.7.X11.1


i must be so dumb lmao.


Does mule dump work with a steam account?


my bad, I’m not the best with forums except for reddit


You have to convert your steam account to a web browser account.


Can vouch that it works.

Great job!


@ProfIce a very minor fix:
in the pcstats.js - stat number 28 is misspelled ‘HauntedCemetarysCompleted’, when you’d want HauntedCemetery, but I’ve changed mine to be just the shorter ‘CemeteriesCompleted’.

(Muledump’s had the shorter names for ‘TombsCompleted’ & ‘TrenchesCompleted’ for years, so I’m okay with not having the names out in full for the longer dungeon names.)

On the same pattern, I’ve also customised mine to be:
‘ForestMazesCompleted’, ‘LockersCompleted’, ‘DepthsCompleted’, ‘DocksCompleted’, ‘LabyrinthsCompleted’, ‘TheatresCompleted’, which I think is a slight improvement on having the lengthy full names.

It’s all only cosmetic for how the dungeon names display on the character’s stats, no functionality is affected at all, but thought I’d mention it anyway.


Thank you!


Nevov you are such a help, I will take all of this and put it in the next muledump update. Btw next time I update, I will tag you so you can look through it and make sure everything is correct!


heyo ProfIce, can confirm that dungeon #26 is LoD :slight_smile:


Thank you so much I am releasing a fixed one today so look forward to it.
