Bad jokes


How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?

One, but the lightbulb hast to want to change.


Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns dont work


A gang of midget burglars broke into a butchers but fled empty handed.
It seems the steaks were too high.


if queen elizabeth accidentally farts during dinner, then the other guests are supposed to pretend like nothing happened.
noble gases should have no reaction


He He He


Plateaus are the highest form of flattery.


For the black people joke you forgot to mention shooting


I broke my finger last week
On the other hand, I’m okay


guys i have an announcement but i dont know how to edit the first post it wont let me so…


this s̶u̶b̶ thread is supposed to be bad jokes. i am talking about jokes your retarded son told you on the way to work. we need jokes that make no sense. we need poetry disguised as bad joke that no one understands. guys, we literally need to break the fabric of the universe with our horrible humor (humour???)

so please make your jokes unintelligible
i’ll start us off!

Q: ssdich soaiufh skadhigh?

A: a losadhdf ghjkas!

^(epitome of homur if you 10 iq nerds didnt understand and no that is not someone having a stroke)

wait shit i have ap tests tmr i guess this is the end of announcement

also /s lol


What are out jokes?


The opposite of in jokes.

Heres a joke though.

Why are friends like trampolines?
I always wanted a trampoline :frowning:


I posted that months ago

why am I getting replied too



How did the people find out Princess Diana had dandruff?


They found her Head and Shoulders in the glove-compartment


2 muffins are in the oven. One turns to the other and says “Wow, it’s hot in here.” The other muffin screams “Aaaaahh! A talking muffin!!”


In Case of Fire, Use Stairs
That’s right, pick up the stairs and beat out fire. Problem solved!

Be a Smart Feller, Not a Fart Smeller


now this is what im talking about


today one of my friends told me i often make people uncomfortable by violating their personal space.
it was an incredibly hurtful this to say and it completely ruined our bath


Roasted lmao



woah things disappeared

much like my will to live 6 years ago amirITE FELLAS