Badges (certified)


OK so I’m a completionist (IDK how to spell it) meaning I like to get everything in games achievments collectables and fully completed missions so I want to get every single badge on this forum just to make me feel good and I want the Certified badge but have no idea how to get it
The badge reads: "Completed the user tutorial now you are certified."
Which is really vague can someone explain to me how to get it or link me what the “user tutorial” is


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discobot


do @discobot start new user and then @discobot start advanced user
you should do it in this thread.


It’s not an idea…?
He’s asking how to get the badge.
Moved back to academy qna


Oh wait I can’t read sorry xd.

On topic : what badges are there


Idk if anyone has them all, but just check other peoples badge lists and combine them in your own list :man_shrugging:


No one has all the possible badges, good luck.


That just means he’ll be the first one to achieve it :blush:
(though it does mean at some point he has to become a moderator…lol)


Nah, just leader, no mod badge.


I always mix up the two. :confused:


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