Ban the person that posted above


banned for making a long ass text wall


ostracized for repining about a surplus amount of text.


banned for not banning


Banned because i banned myself


banned because you set a good example and i want to ban you too


banned for having dragon in your name but some wild blue tiger picture

The General Chat Thread

banned for copying @Nameness


banned for looking back at old bans


Banned for continuing a futile cause, i have been banned in this thread so much
And yet im still here


banned for lol didn’t even know he said that


banned for posting outside the meme thread


Not banned cause I like using shendyt on sorc


Banned for using shendyt on sorc instead of twilight


Banned for impersonation.


Actually you’re impersonating me


banned for having a worse quality profile pic and yet trying to pose as the original


banned for adding a dragon to ur pic and making me have no reason to ban you


banned for banning me for 2 opposite things


Banned for banning someone for banning


Banned for banning someone for banning someone for banning