Ban the person that posted above


banned for having stroke in your name


Banned for being better at this game then me
( I’m gonna be banned fast)


banned for humility, that doesn’t exist in the real world


banned for dissing humility, without humility everyone would be suffering downfalls™


banned for dissing humility me, without me everything would be suffering downfalls much the same


Banned for plagiarism™


banned for being mean


Banned for withdrawing your post


banned for being a dragon-E.T.


banned for judging me based on my name


not banned bc i love pokemon


Banned for not banning


banned for banning him because he didn’t ban me because he likes pokemon


Banned for banning me for banning him for not banning you thus starting this weird chain again


banned for banning me in retaliation to me banning you because you had banned him for not banning me because he loves pokemon


Banned for making too long of a ban


banned for not keeping up the chain of long bans


Banned for having another name with Dragon in it.
i was here first. :angry:


banned for bad reason for banning someone


banned for
really now I can’t find another reason for you so-
banned because I have to ban you