Ban the person that posted above


banned for thinking pfp holds any weight on someone’s account


Banned for coming up with a reason to ban me.


Banned for leaving the other forum game thread


Banned for assuming I “left”, although I just took a break.


banned for not dedicating every minute of your life to these forums


banned for not realizing that Redox is in actuality lying


Banned for being banned for banning someone who banned because you banned someone who banned someone who is banned


Banned for causing mental distress for other forum members.


banned for assuming that people have a small brain capacity


Banned for assuming that I assumed.


banned for assuming that I assumed you assumed when in actuality I knew that you assumed


Banned for using the word “assumed” more than 2 twice in one sentence.


banned for using the word “assumed”


banned for being a hypocrite


banned for banning someone with the same name as you


banned for banning someone who banned himself


banned for banning someone who banneded someone who banned themselves


banned for going nonsense


no u


banned because you triggered me