Ban the person that posted above


banned for not starting your post with the word “banned”


Banned because I’m not feeling creative right now.


banned because you have yet to be cured of the pikaplague


Banned because you were one of the starters of the pikaplague


banned for revealing me


Banned for wasting time on REF.


banned because I’m not wasting my time :angry: ;-;


Banned for rof dennaB


Banned for not adding a line to represent something like a center or mirror | rorrim ro retnec a ekil yag gib ligein tnrserper ot enil a gnidda ton rof dennaB


banned for bumping 9 days later


Banned for caring about bumps in this thread


banned for thinking the necro bump master actually cares and wasn’t just finding something to ban you


banned for being a necro master


banned for not worshiping me


Banned for communism


you’re banned for anti-communism thoughts, actions, or delivery.


banned for bumping


Banned for pixelation


Banned for literally being retarded


Banned for post modern neo-realistically being retarded