Ban the person that posted above


Banned because i havent swung a hammer in about 6 months


I post in the wrong thread.

My :cookie:


Banned for taking a shower recently


Banned for having an A in your user


banned for not having an a in your username


Banned for finally groeing in your baby teeth in October


banned for assuming they’re real


Banned for saying blue in your name but having no blue in your pfp


Banned for having an imaginary IQ


Banned because people could kill themselves jumping from your ego to your IQ level


Banned for attempting to jump a negative distance

this is obviously a joke


Banned for using small text (rip the big text stack)


Banned for being petty


Banned for trying to quit


Banned for suppressing free will


Banned for being a dirty commie


Banned for being political on a forum about RoTMG


Banned for trying to keep this forum limited. Have you seen the amazing discussions here?


Banned for keeping this thread alive for too long.


Banned for making me realize that I’m more than a quarter of the posts on this thread
Me and @Idragonet are more than half :wink: