Ban the person that posted above


Banned because you gave it.


banned because you banned someone who gave a ban to someone who wanted a ban.


Banned for imitating me.


Banned because its almost 2019


Banned because we still have a month


Banned for acknowledging that we have 1 month of 2018 left


Banned for not having a christmas pfp put on yet
(Even if ik you requested one already)


Banned because now your ban is flawed


banned for your characters aways having equipment as soon as they are created


Banned because yours do too


banned because you assume i make new characters


banned because you made that same assumption, i havent died since July but I still actively play


banned for banning me for stuff that i ban other people for


Banned for using some for of the word ban three times you banning ban-spammer




Banned for not inviting me to you and Nameness’s ban party!


Banned for thinking this is a party, this is more like plotting murder, thus the bans

Their silence won’t be suspicious if we ban them first


Banned for bering scary :frowning:


Banned because I managed to type this AFTER arexrew


banned so i can ninja arexrew