Ban the person that posted above


@Fuzycats and @OwdaGuy are NOT filthy! I’m ashamed of you, you should know better!

Banned for star racism


Banned for wanting retches Eyebrows on Craftable’s character.


banned for not appreciating high quality optical hair


Wat we popped a bunch wdym

Did you forget the Alien Event?


You’re banned for not banning the guy above you.

@craftable you’re banned because I can’t let you go free, and I have to do GammaGamer’s job for him. And also I said eyebrows yet you posted a unibrow




maybe i wasn’t on, but it was legit only during the alien event and not anytime else


Banned for not banning me.

@Wilhuff banned because Yesbutno didn’t do it.


yOu can’t ban yourself so you’re banned now ha ha



A ban for you and everyone who has been missed by off-topic drivel


BANNED for using impact font NORMIE TRASH

/s I love everyone, even normies

Except furries. I’m not twowwing at aww, I fucking hate fuwwies. Sewiouswy I wish we couwd wound you aww up into camps. That wouwd be so hiwawious watching a wow of muddy dejected unicowns and bwue wowves being [redacted]

Because fuwwies awe [redacted] scum that constantwy thwust theiw gwoss wittwe fetish into evewyone’s face wike they’we some type of bwave pioneew. Nope, no one wants to see it, no one wants to be weminded of how you want to [redacted].

I wouwd fuwwy suppowt [redacted] of fuwwies to wemove those genes fwom the poow. It wouwd be a gweat move fow humanity. Gwanted… [redacted] of fuwwies awe much much highew than the nationaw avewage (I wondew why :joy:) so they kind of awe doing the wowk fow us… Just not fast enough!!


banned for giving me cancer


banned for banning me for giving you cancer. If I’m a known carcinogen then just stay away

Don’t leave me I hunger for the warmth and affection that was starved from me since birth


Banned for using cancer as a way to describe something that is not an officially recognized disease.


banned for not realizing iT’s jUsT a PrAnK vRo ChiLL!!!11!


Banned for attempting to incorporate Gamzee Makara’s typing quirk outside of a setting devoid of human interaction.


Banned for using references that most normal people won’t understand


Banned for messaging “UwU” in chat when I was experiencing existential crisis in Nexus.


Banned for not appreciating uwu


Banned for not actually banning the person above you