Ban the person that posted above


banned for being unoriginal


banned for nothing


banned for illogical reasoning


banned for Logical reasoning

decker dont like


banned for making an assumption about decker


banned for making an ass out of me and deker


banned for inconsistent spelling


banned for uhhhhh


banned for assuming my possessions


banned because your profile picture and user card are just too adorable.

how dafuq did you manage to get a different user card from when you click on their picture on a thread and the one on your profile?


Banned for having a Christmas themed profile pic when it’s not Christmas.




banned for mentioning k _ _ _ _


banned for starting to mention he who shall not be named


banned for Harry Potter reference


banned for thinking making a reference to Harry Potter is banworthy


banned for thinking that I thought that Harry Potter references are ban worthy


banned for denying that you thought that Harry Potter references are banworthy


banned for accusing me of thinking that Harry Potter references are banworthy


banned for implying that you don’t think that Harry Potter references are banworthy even though I know that you think Harry Potter references are banworthy