Bard's Concertina Doesn't Work On Hermit


Unfortunately, I wasn’t recording this game session, but you can’t throw parrots at hermit, because it’s in the deep water, probably considered as an invalid area


yeah this is an issue with fungal spell, fungal trap, aether orb, medusozoan, etc. I don’t think it is possible to make those tiles valid ability areas without letting us walk over it


At least it’s only a little extra damage we’re missing out on in a crowd, right?


can’t they just make the middle bit walkable and have a layer of water surrounding it that’s not?


That’s most of the fun/challenge of it though, being forced to circuit the middle to clear, then being stuck there with respawned tentacles when the Herm is vulnerable. Harder for sword classes especially as it puts the boss at the edge of their range. It’s been like that for forever, so I can’t see it being changed.


Tricksters would mess things up, then


no i meant there’s like 1 tiny patch where the herm spawns that is waklable, so no one except noclippers can get in. this lets the spawn items abilities go in without changing the fight. @jimdafish the most they can do is use cutter, they can still do dps either way


Ah, I see. Then Trix and Planewalking Rogues would be able to get there, and anyone else could join them, surely. Sounds like something that’s bound to break someway.

They’ve already tweaked it once, not that long ago, so the patch fades in case something else spawns there and drops a bag/portal. They must have been aware of the issue with some abilities then, and chose to keep it that way.


If you made the hermit have very short range, e.p.-like shots any teleportation to its centre would be suicide. as long as the shots dont cross the deep water though it wouldnt change the actual fight at all. the only downside would be the possibility of accidentally teleporting in when you didnt want to.


“TP Candy Land !!!” or even just “TP Herm”

i.e. if it were suicide I am sure some people would look to abuse it. It’s different from e.g. the Avatar as you have enough time to get away from it while invulnerable now, if you TP right on top of it.


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