Triforcej's AMA. 3 years of experience


Triforce’s AMA cuz it seems to be a trend on the forums or something.

I will respond to each comment as soon as I can <3


How many of each fungal/crystal white/st and how many competed fungal/crystals


How to complete fungal/crystal bc i suck at them


why did you make an ama thread


would you drink a bread smoothie (bread in a blender)?


If I were to estimate, I have about 400-450 completions of crystal

12 cshields, 8 fungal spells, 7 fungal traps, and 6 fungal tomes

I haven’t kept track of crystal whites, but to estimate, I believe about 7 prisms and wakis, 5 cloaks, 6 mist


Why do you have so many fungal completions?


Fungal and Crystal cavern crash course

Text wall, you have been warned

If you use raiding discords, the fungal and crystal cavern server would be the place to go.

Enemies to be especially careful of in the fungal cavern are trains, specifically yellow trains, which can jump and instapop. Big red and brown mushrooms, which jump and shotgun at half health, big green mushrooms which jump instantly, but start jumping and shotgunning at half health, and spiders, which jump with high damage, can slow you, and they usually spawn in pairs, although you will find the occasional single spawn or triple spawn.

In the crystal worm mother fight, stuns for the mother are extremely helpful. In the server, the rl will make it a priority to have stuns, as well as slows, to make this fight much easier. When you first get in, let someone else drag the head, then focus on cracked segments, you must kill 2 to progress the fight. This is when the head becomes vulnerable, but not stunnable, so it will shoot. After this it will rotate around the edge of the room, and to progress, simply kill 2 segments (cracked or otherwise.) The head will become vulnerable and start moving to the middle of the room, and after you damage it enough, father spawns in the middle, shooting omnidirectional white shots, very slowly. At half health, it will also shoot directed shotguns of 3 red shots, moving quicker, targeted at the nearest player. Keep in mind that the mother is still rotating and shooting around the platform, unless you have a stasis (very helpful!!!) or stun. After killing the father, mother goes back to “regular rotations” when the head can be stunned and slowed, and segments need to be killed to progress the fight. Destroying four segments makes the head vulnerable, and moving towards the center of the room. Then the child spawns. The best way to do this is to keep the child in the center of the room. If you have slows and decoys in your group, that makes it so much easier. You need to kill all the body segments of the child, and remember, the mother is still rotating. After killing all the child’s segments, it goes into its infamous “petal phase.” You can rotate in the petals by tapping e and a, if you use screen rotation. Sometimes, you need to press w or s to stay in the rotation as the child moves about. The mother will be shooting unless stunned or stasised, which are both extremely helpful in this phase. Good luck. After killing child, mother goes back to regular rotation, until 4 more segments are killed, it bounces to the middle, and then goes into sonic phase once you deal enough damage. The mother will be zooming around the edges, with a shot pattern from the body segments that looks awkward to dodge. If you have enough speed, its actually safer to rotate with the mother just close to its head. This is assuming you have neither stuns nor slows. With both, the phase is laughably easy. Note that there are 3 segments left when sonic phase starts. When the last one is killed, the tail becomes vulnerable, and the head starts shooting an enormous shotgun of red and white shots, the red ones dealing 150 damage each. The head can not be hit at all, or debuffed in this phase, but debuffs inflicted before the last segment was killed do carry over, which is where we get the term “overstun” from. After killing the tail, the head shoots out the shotgun in even more directions, and becomes vulnerable again. It cannot be stunned, but it can be slowed and dazed. DO NOT let the head push you up against the water, you will need to nexus. Then, you go into the crystal cavern.

Biggest dangers while clearing the crystal cavern are the chargers, both yellow and blue, trains (same enemy from CWM fight) and bats, specifically green, purple. and blue. Yellow chargers just charge consistently at you, with a high speed, shooting a shotgun of 4 shots, 2 with a short range, close to it, and 2 at a wider angle, that go much farther. You can deal with these easily by getting them slowed and decoyed, or you can hold e and a or q and s if you have enough space, or, you can spam your movement keys to make a tighter circle around them. Blue chargers charge a short distance, in a straight line, then stop, and fire their shots, omnidirectional, but not all at the same time. You can deal with these by slows and decoys, but know that they could charge over decoys, and sit on you. If you are by yourself, you can shoot it while charging, and weave in between the shots when it is stationary.

Deal with the crystal worm children by killing body segments then rotating with the head in the petal phase.

All bats can be stunned and paralyzed, and if they are stunned, they will not have a death explosion. Blue bats shoot out a line of shots, and if you take a lot of them, you will certainly die. Make sure you keep moving and stay vigilant and you should be fine. Don’t sit on them when they die. Purple bats move the most sporadic of any bats, they are very unpredictable. Make sure you keep moving, but don’t be near them when they die. Green bats circle the nearest target, and shoot 2 shots at a 45 degree angle, meaning if their target is standing still, they won’t actually hit them. Decoy pet can really mess you up here :/.

For the crystal entity, there are 5 possible minibosses that can spawn, and each run will have 3 of them.
In order from easiest to hardest, cyclops (purple) will run straight up and shoot a torrent of shots. This is easily safe spotted by sitting directly between cyclops and crystal entity. In an organized run, you should only see one phase, but rarely, you will see another where cyclops moves mid-lower right. Again, stand between cyclops and entity and you will be fine.
Next easiest would be dinosaur/lizard (green) It runs above the entity, then moves all the way bottom right, then shoots out crystal walls along the border. Do not run over these, as they will confuse you. When they explode, they converge just a little higher than the dino, if you are with the discord, the rl will put dots in chat of where to stand to avoid getting lined up by the walls. Next rotation would be middle left side, but you should rarely see that.
Next one is fish, which is not visible until someone runs over it. WATCH YOUR MINIMAP!!! Sometimes the fish can jump, and will instapop any character it appears on. If you see the dot moving, make sure you move yourself. The fish can be stunned and paralyzed.
2nd hardest (or 4th easiest) in my opinion, is scorpion (blue). It will start by either shooting shots in a spiral, or rotating around crystal entity counter clockwise, while shooting a high damage shotgun, I believe about 200dmg per shot. You can slow it to make it easier to chase. Then it could go into multiple other phases, It could do the other possible starting phase, or it could do the lightning fractal phase, where it makes huge red dots appear on the screen, that indicate a lightning strike. These can be deactivated by running on and off quickly, or by waiting it out. The lightning strikes deal about 300 damage. The other phase is the most infamous phase:mini scorpions. If you see this phase, the scorpion will spawn many small scorpions, and shrink down in size itself. STOP SHOOTING! The real scorpion is slightly bigger than the others, and sometimes is flashing white. You MUST shoot the real one, and ONLY the real one. If the fake ones are killed, they explode into huge shotguns of a lot of shots (i dont know how many) that deal 200 damage. You can make it easier to dodge by getting to the edge of the crystal entity room.
And the last miniboss is monstrosity(yellow) This guy is very tough, if you do not have decoys for him. He will start by jumping, and will then shoot either a shotgun of purple confusing shots, or a crystal whip. He will do one of these every 4 seconds, whip targeted at the nearest player. The whip will explode, make sure you are away from it, so you do not get lined up by those shots. If he does the confusing shotgun, he will have a small aoe attack centered on him that sickens and armor breaks, and for both phases, he will shoot out bombs at people who are far away, and blind them. If you do not have decoys, he will chase all around the room, and he does have a lot of health. Slows are very helpful. If you do not kill him quickly, you are extremely likely to get fractals (explained in ascension phase, below) so you need to keep an eye on the monstrosity and the crystal entity.

Note that ALL minibosses can be armor broken, cursed, and exposed.
Also note that you can get fractals in scorpion, fish, and monstrosity, but not in dinosaur or cyclops (at least I’ve never seen fractals for either of those)

After the 3 minibosses, you get to ascension phase. First and foremost, be careful of fractals. These are indicated by the huge green arrows that appear in the cardinal directions, the base at the crystal entity itself. A fractal will not fire in a direction unless you see that the base of the arrow has lost contact with the entity, which is an obvious indication of something about to happen, even if you don’t know what. The fractal will be sort of a flower shaped shot, then it explodes into blue shots covering that entire side, and those explode into red shots, and red into purple. Extremely dangerous to be on the side that a fractal is on. It is possible to cancel fractals with enough dps. It is possible that the fractal can fire, and be canceled before it explodes, meaning the blue shots don’t every exist. You can cancel after the blue shots, cutting out red and purple, and you can cancel after the red shots, cutting out purple. Again, keep an eye on entity during both minibosses and ascension, so you don’t get bonked by a fractal.
Next most dangerous thing to prioritize dodging are the red shots, from the red crystals that spawn on the floor. They attack the nearest player, and just move in a straight line. Don’t take too many of these.
Then there are the shots from the entity itself. It can shoot blue wiggle shots, that deal 90 armor piercing damage but don’t go far, it can shoot bidirectional shotgun (like up and down, left and right, top right, bottom left, etc.) of white shots, that deal 45 armor piercing damage each. I think it is almost always firing these shots, even when other shots are being fired as well. It can shoot omnidirectional green shots, I don’t know how much they do, I’ve always tanked them on my knight or pally, with maxed def and it’s trivial. Entity can also shoot different blue shots that are higher damage, don’t tank these. And the last shots are the purple ones, which are shotguns of 3, shot 3 times, I believe in 3 of the directions. These can be safespotted, but they deal a lot of damage if you get hit.
Basically, ascension is just an extreme bullet hell. Be especially careful of the red shots and the fractals.


holy crap thats a lot more than expected. Thank you for taking the time to type that out!!!


I made an AMA thread because I noticed a lot of people have been making them, and I believe that each player, each member of the community, not just in game but in the world, has valuable experience or stories to share, and I believe that my AMA thread can be valuable to some.

Also, it is a great way for all of you to know me better. Most of you just know me as some guy online.


I probably would not drink a bread smoothie


I have so many completions because I love the dungeon! I am a Veteran Raid Leader in the Fungal and Crystal Cavern discord server


it was at this moment that he knew, he probably should’ve just made one post and quoted each of the questions to make the thread cleaner


You are very welcome! I started it this morning, but then had to leave, and was only able to come back to it now. Hopefully, you (and maybe others looking to learn the dungeon) find it helpful!


Did you get the warning message too? Happened in my post.


Oh. I might have :confused:


When the child spawns I recommend not rotating and sitting with the group to the outside of the room, because at most you’ll tank 2-3 shots but with rotating you have chance to tank a ton of shots and get killed. Not sure if triforcej said this but if you have a daze the child becomes super easy. You just sit at the top left of the room and his shots won’t be anywhere near you. Also don’t walk over where it was when it dies because the shots boomerang.


oh I did not mention the daze lol.

Best time to learn how to rotate is actually in the crystal cavern, when it’s just a child, and it is in the middle of a rather open space


ive never had a problem with the rotating in the ones that I have done; it’s the worm father that gives me more trouble


worm father is certainly a struggle, especially in small groups on melees. All i can really suggest is
a.) cshield
or b.)colo/crystal sword.

Don’t move unless you will get hit. I’ll experiment with more ways to do it and find if something really works well