Berserk Vs Damaging


Would you rather constantly have Berserk or Damaging?

  • Berserk
  • Damaging

0 voters


Damaging is always better in terms of dps.


One important thing to keep in mind, damaging will affect the place of certain weapons against others while berserk does not. That said, I somewhat prefer berserk simply because it’s pretty freakin’ fun to shred enemies with nearly 10 attacks per second.


Berserk is a flat dexterity multiplier. Damaging is a flat weapon damage multiplier.
While both should theoretically increase your damage per second at the same amount, due to the similar fifty percent increase and the same involvement in calculations of damage per second… the defense stat thwarts the comparison.

Class A has a weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and 50 DEF.

If nobuff:
Class A has a weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and 50 DEF, killing it in 40 seconds.

If berserk:
Class A has a weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 1 second.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and 50 DEF, killing it in 40 seconds.

If damaging:
Class A has a weapon B that does 200 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and 50 DEF, killing it in 13.34 seconds.

Afaik, berserk only approaches damaging’s results as Enemy DEF -> 0. Likewise, damaging only gets stronger as the Enemy DEF => 0, to a certain point (Hard limit of weapon damage versus defense).

Since berserk will never outweigh the benefits of damaging (I haven’t done the math for exposed, so I could be wrong in this very specific instance where Enemy DEF is negative), and since defense has diminishing returns at higher amounts (caps at 85% of total damage), damaging is the logically sound option.


in terms of dps and clearing enemies in general : damaging
in terms of having a worse aim than a chicken nugget while using staves : berserk


Math Assumptions are wrong (edit: mb, didn’t look close enough) since damaging affects weapon damage not the attack stat, but conclusion is correct. Damaging is always better than berserk as Mynam said (except at 0 def, where they’re equal), look at pfiffels dps calculator and play around with any set/class/stats combination at any def level.

Few other things to note:

  • if you don’t have consistent frames (like myself) there is a point at which the efficacy of berserk dies down simply because fps is not enough to render the extra shots in between. More noticeable in laggy, big group situations.

  • slow shooting weapons like dbow probably benefit the most from berserk because you can land in more shots, and also the fact that slow rate of fire = high damage per shot in most cases hence is less affected by def

  • “overdamage” glitch for low hp minions. Essentially you can deal out more damage than a minions hp if the damage is dealt within a small enough time frame. So faster shooting might not necessarily mean faster clearing.


I play warrior more then paladin so damaging :smiley:
and considering I use blasphemy when I play paladin I have to save up the seal anyway


Damaging because thinking about that decreasing accuracy is a sad thing indeed.


I don’t know why, but I laughed so much at this.


Damaging so that my accuracy won’t be shit.


Berserk so my Splendor shoots like a machine gun


Took a second for me to think, and decided to go with damaging as well.

What sold me that decision was when I remembered high defense enemies. Damaging tends to be a lot more effective in bypassing higher defenses, while berserk is more effective for large quantities of weak enemies. I’d gladly prefer the former over the latter


There’s no flat answer.

If a boss can weaken you, bezerk.

Daze? Damaging definately.

I prefer damaging because it seems more effective to me, with the high fire rate = more loss due to defense.


i actually would always prefer berserk, its not that i don’t like damaging, i just like shooting everything really quickly


My “assumptions” are not incorrect. I did not reference the attack stat, but the attack of the weapon, see: example.

  • If you are experiencing client lag, your shots will still register server side. The inability to draw frames does not affect the packet data you are sending to the servers. However, if you are experiencing server side lag, like the Ice Tomb Event incidents… then your shots are not counted, regardless of status effects.

  • No matter how slow or quick a weapon may fire, damaging will always (I still haven’t tested exposed on enemies with less than 20 defense) beat out berserk.

  • This glitch is related to client side lag. The client inaccurately displays entities as alive, longer than they should be. Flash player is a finicky thing to give advice on how to improve… Here’s to being part of the realm community during its last year on flash!


Alright, time to pony up men… and do the exposed math.

Example 2:
Class A has weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and 0 DEF. Class A uses ability Exposed.

If nobuff:
Class A has a weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and -20 DEF, killing it in 14.29 seconds.

If berserk:
Class A has a weapon B that does 100 damage per shot, and fires every 1 second.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and -20 DEF, killing it in 8.34 seconds.

If damaging:
Class A has a weapon B that does 200 damage per shot, and fires every 2 seconds.
Class A attacks Enemy C, who has 1000 HP and -20 DEF, killing it in 8.34 seconds.

Therefore, both damaging and berserk have an equal effect from enemy DEF range [-20, 0]


berserk. its more satisfying


Perhaps you might want to change the phrasing of:

since I assumed you meant attack multiplier = multiply your attack stat. Minor detail though.

This is incorrect as far as I know. There’s a reason you can spellbomb a stationary target perfectly, but have a consecutive spellbomb completely miss because of the inability to draw frames. And no, damage is not registered when all the shots miss.

Are you implying that they are dead server-side with that statement? Regardless this is another reason damaging > berserk.


Better to say:


Conflict t6 orb mystic says hi