Best class for shats?


Guys, i wanna see your opinion for what is the best clas IN SHATTERS?!
Shat is ‘hard’ dungeon, but very fun and loot u can get in is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
So,I was wondering what class FOR LOOT do you like the most in shatters, and why?

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Trickster is best for public Shatters.

Knight is best for private Shatters.


6/8+ Huntress w/ Dbow/Cbow/Trap(For Tentacle Part)/Csilk/Hydra/Pyra
Or Just 6/8+ Warrior w/ Dblade,Run Away,Buff Your Self,Puck up dblade,and enjoy Loot


Knight,Warrior,Pally,Huntress,Trixter,Wizard(with pierce spell)

Knight for stuns.

warrior/pally to buff the group.

Huntress to have a dbow and be able to kill the grandpas

Trix to get secret

wizard to kill switches through walls

and if it’s a experienced player, rogue instead of trix to both get secret and rush 2nd switch.

and snice your question is FOR LOOT my answer is as follows.

Wizard, Mystic, Necromancer, Huntress, Archer, Knight, Warrior, Pally, Priest, Sorcerer, Ninja, Trixter, Assassin, Rouge




Any melee.


The soulbound threshold is extremely low on the chests. I got mana+t6 prism on a 0/8 rogue (No pots drank) when there were about 15 people there. For a shatters throwaway, mystic is really good in pub shatters and will often save the day on the rush to first. I use trickster for mine, the mobility it has (Cornered by the fire bird? Teleport out! Rushing to last and got shit tons on your tail? Teleport forwards!) I also find trickster a very fun class to play.


So, i think i just told oyu this in the other thread, but ill say it again

Trickster is great to play in pub b/c its safe and you dont care if your decoy fckes someone up

Private: all the classes has a role, (like a real co-op game). But since you poor rn, i recommend 0/8 trick or def/8 trick. but just be careful of wear your decoy goes.


Id say any melee, archer w/ dbow, trickster or rogue with a planewalker.

Any class gets loot in shatters even unmaxed characters. The sb threshhold and hp on chests make it easy to qualify.


Because of the

all classes are equal for loot in shatters.

I like melee best in public shatters because even if you are 0/8 your higher HP lets you can take more damage - pala/warr are better because their boost helps the whole group. Or be a trickster because the TP is so useful to escape trouble and that secret switch speeds it all up.

In private shatters, I take whatever class nobody else has brought of pala/warr/dbow/knight/mystic/priest/wizard/assassin, (in that order). Or a 2nd melee/dbow because +DPS=good shatters.


For public Shatters my safest classes are knight because of the high defense, mystic to stasis incoming drags, trickster so you can teleport to avoid passing through somewhere you can’t walk

For private ones, it can be any melee, any dagger (except assassin as the poison doesn’t help much), wizard (preferably with ST spell and a good pet) and mystic, or one of the 2 bow classes (huntress’s ctrap can be used to kill titaniums and obelisk without taking shots, to slow the 2nd boss and its phoenixes (with a high tier trap) or skip tentacles at 3rd)


Honestly, ninja.

Has good speed to leech without getting killed and has dps for chest.


LEECH (plz nu)

My favourite class to shatt on is… I don’t have one, either a melee or a ranged… oh wait I just summarised realm in a nutshell…

I like to use all the classes for it, each has it’s own perks and stuff


if new to shats : trickster/priest (to heal yo self)
decent at shats: wiz/priest/pally/archer/rouge
awsome at shats: knight/warrior/mystic/huntress
pro: lvl 1 ninja!


Instead of just replying ‘lol’ you could have given that post schorch made a ‘like’

Posts only containing ‘lol’ and/or ‘+1’ will tend to get flagged, so try not to do it next time


usually not that bad. Just when you revive a thread from august (which for some reason has closing turned off? or did someone comment and delete? @moderators ?)

Man… one of my easiest comments.


Best class for shatters?
Aquatic Pet. Duh.