Best Swords on Melee Classes?


Just started playing realm again after 5 years. I used to love playing warrior and still do but decided to give pallys a shot due to them being buffed apparently

Straight to the point, I got all swords except the lost halls swords and shatters swords (if there is one idk last dungeon that came out when i played was cland or davys) and was wondering which swords were best on each class


Pixie and Acclaim. An ass or csword can also be very useful for the harder stuff.

Shatts dont have a sword.


Welcome Back!
I would say Acclaim and then for an upgrade Sword of Splendor and Sword of the Colossus (those last two drop from Lost Halls) for all melees.
Also, Paladin is really awesome nowadays.
But of course, Csword is still a good sword in my opinion and A.S.S is good too in Warrior.


I’ll give you a quick rundown of the swords.
Acclaim: It’s an Acclaim. It’s good.
Crystal Sword: Still good if range is necessary.
A.S.S: Not too bad, a good balance of damage/range.
Cutlass: Glass-cannon sword. Stronger than Acclaim, best paired with tankier set to make up for less range + def loss.
Demon Blade: As niche as ever, strong close-up.
Pixie: Pretty alright. Easy to hit, good for somewhat close enemies.
Indomptable: Extremely niche with piercing + A.S.S. 2.0 stats. Not great, usually.
Oryx’ Greatsword: Cutlass 2.0. Nearly nonexistent range, good damage+armor pierce.
Colossus: Hard to aim, but pretty strong.

If you need any extra info on the swords listed, visit their wiki pages!


Ancient Stone Sword is good on everything. Only disadvantage is lower rate of fire, which can be negated by warrior buff and it’s insane range and damage is good on pretty much all melees.


Can’t go wrong with an acclaim.


I Would call Indomptable or A.S.S. Glass cannon, but not cutlass.

Why acclaim, splendor would work well too. :confused:


…what? How? It doesn’t decrease your defense at all. If anything, it’s more of a tank-like approach to a sword: slow, heavy-damage, from a fairly safe distance.


This is what is glass cannon for me tbh. (High damage with small firerate) Cutlass is sword with medium damage per hit + higher firerate.

I know it doesn’t, but you can’t call -2 DEF huge loss :confused:


Perhaps that’s why you and Seelpit disagree on the definition of glass cannon. Hence in RotMG wizard is usually referred to as the “glass cannon” due to its extraordinary offensive capabilities but very squishy nature. The imagery being: a cannon that’s very powerful but can get broken really easily.

Agree with Mynam, you can go miles with just those tradeables. The plus side being they’re quite replaceable (so you don’t have to worry about losing them) especially with acclaim being so cheap.

That being said I’ll throw ASS on warrior from time to time because I find it to be the squishiest of the three, plus berserk offsets the lower rate of fire.

Also from what I can tell (haven’t gotten one yet), colo swords is amazing if you can use it properly since it gives you the damage output greater than acclaim / cutlass at the range of a csword. Watching people’s gameplay when they are using it correctly makes me go MMMMMMM


planewalker best sword


Das why.


Thanks for the replies boys, good to see that the community is still great.
Currently running Pixie, ASS and Acclaim. Should i carry Csword or what that be a waste of space?


Since you’re already carrying ASS, the niche of long-ranged single target has already been fulfilled, so I’d leave it in my vault. There are very few times where you would say “gee, csword would be a much better alternative than ASS, wish I had one on me…”.


Cutlass+ASS+Dblade/Pixie is said to be the best combo.
I wish I had a ass


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