Better enemy depth


I had a cool idea on improving the Drake

What if when you killed the Drake but let the baby drake survive it would grow up to a Drake and have a baby drake of it’s own.
And for every generation of drakes it would get a small buff (like +50hp and 5 att for example)
And eventually when it has grown strong enough it will hunt you down for killing it’s great great great great great grandfather

Also as it grew stronger it would move out of the low lands to the midlands and eventually to the mountains so that no new players would get rekt.

Maybe it’s a silly concept but I think it would be neat ^^

Would love to hear your ideas on how to improve enemies!


ive never heard anything weirder than that.
i love it @deca add ples


Would be great if this concept applied to Great Temple Snake’s turning in Great Coil Snakes.


The drakes are my favorites enemies I do like this idea I always hate to kill them


Cool! also why other? why not dungeons and enemies?


wow… thats… actually wonderful!


so you kill the parent 50 times, to make the drake way more op then any god,
then you drag it next to an urgle


No, it would have a cap at a reasonable point. That’s when it would hunt you down


and thats when you drag it next to an urgle in the middle of the glands and then nexus,


Drake will be back





their what?


One thing is that people are always trying to make new ideas instead of adding depth to existing content. I think this idea is quite neat.


Hobbits and dwarves that die near a deathmage become their undead counterparts.

If a sprite god is killed and there is a nearby sprite world, then the sprite children will go into the portal and run to Limon

Lost Crusaders regain HO by killing and eating any nearby Grove Creatures

Occasionally a magic sprite will spawn as Craig and then he will say “Oh gosh a hero!” and teleport away leaving a mini pentaract that does not attack, killing it can drop speed tinctures, who knows what Craig was doing.


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