Black Friday Frenzy - Offers and Sales


I think it’s worth mentioning that weekly events are only as bad as they are because of keys, if keys didn’t exist then I don’t think weekly events would be that big a deal.


If anything, they’d feel even more rewarding, since no keys = less dungeons run = droprates increased for balance.
The hidden evil of the Realm was never Oryx…it was the power of keys all along!


Yeah, I should have specified that it is the capitalizing on weekly events with keys that leads to the downfall of the game.

Weekly events but without any key purchases would be so nice. Normally-ignored dungeons in the Realm would see some excitement, players would work towards closing Realms quickly so they could run more of the mid-game dungeons (though there’s still the flaw that people will just dip after the Realm closes and not do the rest of Oryx’s Castle unless there’s an event there too), you can just play in the Realm normally and still feel like you’re making progress in the event like everyone else.
There’s the issue of Shatters and Lost Halls not being very feasible to run from the Realm, but Shatters rework is on the horizon at least. Don’t really know what to do about LH.


iirc Kidd stated somewhere that he’s still planning on some small revisions?
Not entirely sure as I can’t find it anywhere but I do remember him asking for any extra thing that we noted at least somewhere…


[This might go a little off-topic]

I think there are numerous issues with LH; the dungeon, as it stands, seems to stand (imo) for a lot of what is currently wrong with the game. If it is to be balanced and no longer be a source of issue for the game, a few things need to be addressed (I will not go into a full list, as that would certainly steer this thread off-topic). Mainly, the Lost Halls has to stop being the best at everything. You want the most powerful tiered equipment? Run LHs. You want the best UTs? Run LHs. You want life pots to be flowing out of your ears? Run LHs. You want a ton of fame? Run LHs. It is true that LH is the hardest dungeon out there at the moment, but that doesn’t mean it should be this rewarding. Back when the Shatters was the hardest dungeon, the good item drops were at least somewhat balanced by the low potion drop rates (and of course not much of anything back then gave much fame other than glands). Perhaps by eliminating the guaranteed potion drops for everyone the economy could be brought back into something of a balance (note, though, that I have not thought through this idea thoroughly and there might be some holes). Furthermore, nerfing the fame given by the dungeon by a certain amount (again, I haven’t thought this out much, so I’m not sure how much) could further reduce the appeal of that one particular dungeon for players and lead them to run other dungeons more as a result.

I think the way the economy has changed recently, with life pots now being worth a fraction of what they once were and with the current state of player fame (very, very high) shows how much of an impact the Lost Halls has had on players. While getting good stuff is awesome, this is just flat-out unbalanced. By lowering the returns from LH runs, perhaps players will be convinced to do other things, and the lower inflow of resources will be reduced.


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