Bloodshed Ring Rework Idea


Current ring is a worse soulful affection, so here’s an idea for a rework. See what you make of it.

Bloodshed Ring

1485mxJ A seemingly shattered ring that keeps itself together with an unknown magnetic force.

  • On Equip: +10 DEF

  • Reactive Proc: At maximum MP, receive the ability to activate Blood Sacrifice once.

  • Blood Sacrifice:
    While Ability Key Held: Bleeding and Weak on self
    Enter combat for the duration of the effect
    MP Drain: 30 MP/sec

  • Effect: +10 WIS and 5 ATK per second of activation up to a maximum of 50 WIS and ATK, lasting six seconds after the effect ends

  • Fame Bonus: 7%

  • Feed Power: 1000

  • Drops From: Malus

More Info

I don’t remember how this idea came to me, but I recall writing on a small yellow notebook, then losing that notebook, so I had to rewrite this from memory. I think I meant to come up with an idea for a bracer rework with the new shatters but ended up with this instead.

In this rework, the ring sacrifices relevant stats for this effect called blood sacrifice where it gives you wisdom and attack for each second you spend bleeding.

So if you hold the ability button at maximum MP, you’ll immediately start losing health and mana (and be put into combat so you can’t recover from your losses). You’ll also be weakened, meaning that you’ll be losing out on damage during this period.
However, every second you spend crippling yourself this way adds an additional 10 WIS and 5 ATK, which end six seconds after the bleeding ends.

While you can get up to a maximum of +50 WIS, you need to be a full MP to activate it, and to get the full effect, you’re looking at a minimum of 5 seconds of bleeding, not dealing any damage, without being able to use your ability, and in combat. And it’s gonna cost a significant amount of MP.

Assuming you do put in the work to get the full effect (the ATK boost shouldn’t be that efficient for DPS as it’s only compensating the damage output you lose while weakened), you can use those six seconds to use any wismod ability.

With seals, you can get up to a bonus of +100 maximum HP and five additional seconds of duration. On scepters, it adds 75 to 400 damage. Tomes can get 150 extra health on use. And I guess orbs benefit from this as well.

As it is right now, nobody really uses the ring for anything other than for wismod. This new version of the ring drops everything else (namely the maximum HP bonus on equip) and focuses on that with this effect.


Lowered the duration to six seconds and increased drain to 30 MP/sec
ATK now increases by 5 per second.


Proceed to make UBDef useless


So… it would take 5 seconds to charge your buff… which is 100 mp, an easy task for any maxed character… and you get 50 wis and 50 atk for 8 seconds?

Yeah… no. That’s busted. Weak is just an annoyance at most and bleeding for 5 seconds is literally 100 hp… and bleeding can’t kill players.

UBDEF is already pretty useless.


Fuck you.


whenever you want


This is an exaltation dungeon white bag item after all.
And Geb’s Ring of Wisdom does the same thing with UBWIS as it gives the same +10 Wis but also +25 HP and MP. Soulful Affection is also UBHP with a +5 VIT and WIS bonus.

If one is just aiming for just the +10 DEF buff, the UBDEF would be more practical to use, as it is more common and easier to get. This just adds an additional effect.
Besides, it’s already been outclassed by the new Paladin ST ring, which retains the noticeable defense bonus but offers an additional 80 HP.


Way too OP like wtf


Yeah buff rainbow UB rings to 10:1 ratio.


I appreciate the feedback, but I think you’re severely downplaying the effect Weak has on DPS.

(For reference: The white line at the bottom is under the weak effect, the purple line is standard, and the red line is with the +50 ATK)

I think it’s safe to say that the total damage output won’t add up to a net positive, as the DPS gain is offset by the severe damage reduction beforehand.
You’re basically losing 5 seconds worth of damage. The additional attack bonus was only meant to make up for any damage lost during the effect.
Furthermore, you can’t use your ability, which could mean many things depending on what class you’re using it with.

Keep in mind this isn’t an ability that ends after five seconds. You might want to keep the effect going if a boss or enemy suddenly went invulnerable, for example. If then, you might end up holding the ability key longer than five seconds.

The bleeding and combat was never meant to kill players but to put them at greater risk.
Remember that this ring doesn’t provide any maximum health at all.
So a minimum of 100 health drained while putting you in combat, slowing your heals when you have around 670-770 maximum health, all while preventing you from using abilities, is quite the trade off for +50 WIS. (And that’s not even going into the DPS lost/gained)

You could try to ignore this weakness by wearing armor that gives maximum HP, but in that case you often end up giving up other things for that HP.

After getting feedback I lowered the buff duration to six, but I don’t think that this is nearly as broken as people are making it out to be.


I’m actually not. It’s not hard to charge this ring during invulnerable phases, like post MBC survival where it’s eyes light up, or even pre MBC when you first enter. Obviously, being weak does not matter when the boss is invulnerable.

Same point as above.

So… how do shurikens work with this?

Which is something nobody will do if they time things right. They will hold it for 5 seconds, and no more, maybe less. Nobody wants an extra second of MP spent, bleeding, or weak.

As a swapout, this thing would be way too good to be true. Take another example, a good player in celestial. They’re probably going to get hit, maybe once. They can just charge this shit up for 5 seconds, and after celestial when o3 is staggered, get 50 att and 50 wis. So yes… this thing IS as broken as everyone is saying.

From its on equip stats, it’s quite obvious that nobody will wear this ring as a main ring. It’ll be a swapout like snake eye ring.


Yea basically what bacon said. On top of that this would make coro/horn even better as the insane atk buff would make giving more dex more valuable.


You’d be speedy while being in combat, bleeding, and weak. And it’ll drain your MP much faster. You’ll be less durable on a class that is already pretty fragile.

That’s a fair point. I’m not that experienced with Oryx’s celestial phase, so I can’t really comment or respond to that specifically, but swapping it out with anything that gives maximum health won’t be as practical as it might seem on paper, as you’ll still be in combat and at a much lower HP/MP, hence at greater risk. There’s also a slight time loss to be talked about there.

The exalted horn wouldn’t work as well as you are suggesting because the DEX buff only triggers at higher than 90% HP.
After draining health at lower maximum HP, in combat, and then suddenly adding +140 maximum HP by equipping the horn, you’re not going to be above 90% and get that DEX buff without any consumables.

In the celestial scenario, they’d have to time it perfectly five seconds before he gets staggered, or else they’d either lose time on an already short effect or have to do this:

Isn’t it unreasonable to expect one person to time everything perfectly?


Its still too OP. Even if you time it incorrectly this item would be so fucking OP. It would also mess up items like vesture and shielding. Overall the concept is way too out of proportion and would just mess up so many mechanics in the game.


Ninja IS pretty fragile, but a good player on any class would be unkillable. And players with good pets can just out MPHeal the drain. IIRC I can already outheal 10 mp/s on a rare. Also… it’s not hard to equip another ring.

Ninja is actually an insane class… and to be quite honest, rushing on a ninja is actually quite easy. He already has insane DPS and this ring would just make it better.

Priests. Necromancers. Paladins. I hope you realize that everyone would be spamming spacebar after the rotations in celestial. And Scripture/merlot priests aren’t all that uncommon these days, so you will be spam healed. Paladins will press spacebar to make suer everyone gets damaging. And necro skulls do damage anyways so they’ll probably spam that shit as well.

Same point as above.

6 seconds is not short.

It isn’t. Once you’ve played something for so much, you’re gonna do everything perfectly. Have you ever seen the top osu! players play a map? yeah. You should, because that proves my point.


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