BLU's Adventures


3 7/8’s+ alive at once, a new record! :smiley:


3 7/8s+

  • my 6/8 just died


1 7/8 alive at once here!
Also new record


bump uwu


Thank :ok_hand:

Adventures of a samurai coming soon








Been pretty busy recently, but found some time today and during the weekend to finish maxing my mystic. My 2nd 8/8! :tada:


Good job man!

How do people run LH? I need help on them so i can get the nice life

Try not to die Sir!



Watch some of BTEL’s LH solos to help learn some of the different shot patterns. Other than that, practicing and actually running the dungeon is the real best way to get good at them.




i maxed my first 2 8/8s without lost halls. just do normal farming


can agree
all done without doing a single LH, shats or tomb. (for life/mana)


Yeah, I’d say only 1 or 2 life on either of my 8/8’s are from LH’s, normal farming works very well too


New ppe!


First get the whole crystal necro set on it, then get the upgraded crystal necro set


He died :’)

I’m gonna have to retry later on.


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