Broken or seemingly impossible badges [Unofficially Closed]


On my quest do complete more forum badges, I’ve come along some that either:

  • Don’t detect when I meet the criteria. (Labeled as α)
  • Or are not seemingly possible to complete due to missing or archived functionality. (Labeled as β)

α. First Share (Shared a post)
I have both copied the share link, and shared it to my personal social media accounts on twitter and facebook, respectively. I have not recieved a badge.

β. First Reply by Email (Reply to a post via email)
Searching through all visible pages on the profile page and forum pages using a crawler, I was unable to find any semblance of code that would allow me to do so. I am only aware of the email given to each user at the subdomain of realmeye (mine would be

β. Promoter (Invite a user), Campaigner (Invite 3 basic users), and Champion (Invited 5 users)
Again, I cannot find any mention of being able to invite others to the forums and getting recognition for it. I even tried making a new realmeye account, but there’s no part in the process of a referee anywhere.

α. Read Guidelines (Read the guidelines)
I did. Every page. I did not receive the badge.

α. Out of Love (Give 50 likes in one day)
I did this before writing this post, in the farewell thread. I did not receive the badge, despite using all my likes.

α. Enthusiast (Visit 10 days)
Unless this means I’ve used the site for a time composing entirely of twenty four hour periods, I have met this requirement. I also do not know if this is consecutive days, and even if it was, I should still have the badge in question.

α. Aficionado (Visit 100 days)
Now, I’ve been using the forums for over a year, and while I did not visit on a daily basis, I have collaborated, conversed, laughed, cried, and what have you over these forums for an extensive time. Are my adblockers/privacy plugins messing with the cookies needed to track time spent?


Afficiniado and enthusiast are about consecutive days.


First reply by email and Promoter aren’t supported, as you said.
Enthusiast and Afficiando are like Mynamerr said, consecutive days.
First share might also be impossible with this formatting, not sure.
For read guidelines, I had the same problem for a ling time, even after reading them all on multiple occasions. Then one day I read them again and it gave me the badge. Maybe you have to spend a certain amount of time on each post (longer than the 5 seconds to “read” posts for the forum)
For out of love, I don’t know. Just be aware that some badges for some reason don’t show up right away.


First Share. You need to copy the share link in a forum topic or reply

Promoter. Idk but the button should be right there o3oimage

Read Guidelines. This one is kinda weird on how it is unlocked even if you’ve already read all of it, I recommend just scrolling through some of them again and hope it unlocks after a while

Out of love. I think this one unlocks itself once your like count gets reset, which should be around the time you gave your first like today

Enthusiast and Aficionado. Same answers as above

Link for reference

Also, I believe first share is sharing a post somewhere else in the forums.
Like if I linked your post like below, it counts as a share


@Mynamerr Thank you!
@AKLDragon Danke sehr!
@Glawi Ah I see, I think it might have to do with being a regular! Gratias tibi ago.
Also cool furry background… <3

Good thing there were no more replies, I don’t know anymore languages to say thank you in… save for programming. I doubt too many people would recognize a binary plist. Maybe pure machine code…



Bitte schön!

@moderators @Nevov @Shatter
