Buff Cdirk?


still terrible


So is every other dagger in the game then.
(wait that actually sounds right)


lol how is it still terrible. Event whites are suppose to be good, but they shouldnt be broken


Correct, daggers are normally agreed to be the worst weapon in the game and all dagger classes are reliant on their massively powerful abilities


This guy must be high


Still strange how it still gets beaten by both st daggers at most aspects and even though the ripper is op I think that as long as the the other daggers overshadow it, the cdirk remains a weapon that is an extremely good item yet not the best choice for use. Just buff it to make it’s damage better than etherite so that we can value it for what it is, an extremely rare and good weapon. Though what was Deca thinking by adding the freaking ripper in?


The problem is the awkward middle ground that Cdirk sits in.
On a trickster? You’re gonna need range to hit shots from a safe distance, something Cdirk’s 4.5 range might not give you. Tops are virtually worthless now, just use a foul.
On a rogue? Why do you need range, just cloak in and cloak out, no problem. Trade someone for an Etherite, it does more damage to anything with lower def than The Forgotten King, anyway.
On an assassin? Okay let’s be real how much of a difference does his weapon actually make.

And to top it all off, Cdirk is such a rare item that it might take you years to get another one.


" Event whites are suppose to be good, but they shouldn’t be broken"
Ahem jugg


0.02 range “buff”


you can’t just ignore the rest of the post because it’s an actual buff.

The damage is better for a lot of enemies.


Jugg is not overpowered, but it is powerful.
People seem to forget that you lose 1.5 seconds of Berserk, on top of a 1.5 second cooldown (instead of just 1). Whenever I used it, I always felt like the duration was really…awkward, honestly.

Back on topic, I don’t think CDirk needs so much a buff as the other Daggers need a rework.
That said, I’d be cool with it if it became the “slow-RoF-high-damage” dagger.


You knew this was coming.


Jugg isn’t broken. It’s a nicely balanced item which sacrifices the speed of the warrior for an armored effect. If you actually use it it certainly doesn’t feel like a broken item. Especially with the marble pillar in the game, you can’t consider it broken. In fact all of the event whites are either not broken or below average.


Thank you


Tru dat

All those people who think Jugg makes you invinicible… you do realize you’re only armored 75% of the time though right (which is powerful)

I suppose a divine pet sorta just breaks that though… jugg/fire dragon/crown smh


Yup! All the event whites are pretty balanced, if anything some of them are too weak.

Ogmur? Fine as is.
Jugg? Fine as is.
Oreo? Fine as is.
Conflict? Eh… ST Orb sorta does the same thing :thinking: NEeds rework
CDirk? Seems a tad outclassed… still awesome though
Vile? Not bad but not good.
QOT? Fine as is.
Tablet? Buff was awesome, fine as is now.
Ray? Fine as is.
Kageboshi? Now this is underpowered. BUFF IT!

Yeah, long story short my main issues are with Conflict and Kageboshi. Everything else seems relatively fine as is. Not everything’s going to be jugg-level strength, but they don’t need to be imo


Vile is still the best trap.
Kageboshi and Conflict need reworks though.
But I still think that CDirk has no distinct niche that it falls under and that is my problem.


Theres literally no need to buff Cdirk after a buff like… maybe in spring? Summer?

If you want to buff something. Buff the conduct.


I dont think it needs a buff, i think it needs a change.


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