Can we give cool-down a graphic to show how long before you can use any ability again?


This is it. This is all this is about, just a QoL function primarily (or at least intended) for knight w/ scutum to 1. know how much longer until they can stun again, and 2. an easier way to count off the four seconds the stun lasts - instead of counting off 4 seconds, you can count 2.5 seconds from when you can stun again. The only thing I can really see preventing this (and the lack thereof is kinda irritating at times) is the limitations of the flash engine.


Goes hand in hand with this here.


I miss this as well and I hope it gets added back tbh.


status effect =/= cool-down on abilities. Also, how dare you compare this super-basic thread to such a well-fleshed out idea that they actually took the time to make look nice? For shame, Shatter, for shame.

Edit: he said he only took 40 minutes on that, but it’s just so much more… graceful than “HEY GUYS, CAN WE HAVE THIS IN THE GAME?”.


Something like how abilities are darkened when not usable MP-wise/when Silenced, but then with an animation.
Kinda like abilities in lots of games have.
Not that it invalidates this idea! As a frequent user of the Scutum as of recently, I do agree that being able to see your cooldown would be a neat QoL idea.


I wish this was a feature. :frowning:

This. This would help so much with scutum use.


yeah, nice ideia i’ve ever had before, just fix it deca


Actually this could probably be a thing when the unity port comes around, they’ve already shown they intend to add new features in the unity trailer, this could probably be easily added into the game.


Explicit indications for such things are bad (as opposed to something in-world like an extra animation; probably not feasible here). Considering a player may be affected by a multidude of effects even more so. Timing should be left to the player. I don’t see the problem here. We don’t need even more of a clusterfuck on the screen, more gauges and signs and indicators. Stop it.



like that mouse vision, looks crazy


We do have a lot of indicators, but many of them can be turned off. Maybe if this was the same? I personally would like to see this, just because I like having as much information as possible when playing.


And what next? Do you also need a range indicator for your weapon? Where does stuff like this even end? It’s just bad design. A simple shooter like this doesn’t need this at all. Wanna keep track of status effects? Count. Timing is also a skill, I guess. Why would you want to take that away? First step is to learn the duration of certain effects, next you go something like 1-2-3-… in your head and that should do the trick. Too much to ask? Isn’t this part of the game?


If you don’t want the indicators, turn them off. Some of us like them, some of us don’t. I think that letting people have the option is fine, and based on the rest of this thread, others like the idea as well.

I like information, but not that much. If there is enough support for certain additions/DECA thinks they’re good ideas, they’ll add them. If not, they won’t.


I don’t really see how a simple animation could be considered so bad, honestly.
It’s not flashy, fits the game’s style, is helpful for only a fairly small part of abilities (by which I mean that the animation shouldn’t play with .5 second cooldown abilities) meaning it doesn’t affect everyone extremely…

I think you’re looking at this a bit too pessimistically. Togglable options never ceased to exist.


As if there aren’t already enough obscure options in the game. 8)
To be fair, most of those are hacks fighting Flash and for performance.

Anyways, a pretty good argument against these kind of things still stands: git gut, learn to time shit on your own. No indicators needed. As such, this is a question of skill, and should not be an option. I mean, you’re not going to argue this is really a QoL kind of thing. It’s not. Learning patterns and timing is pretty much one of the core mechanics of a simple shooter like this. It’s supposed to be a game, afterall, right?


Maybe I’m crazy, but aren’t games supposed to be fun, and not super serious? Other people having an advantage doesn’t discount the time you’ve put into the game to learn.

Nobody really loses anything and more fun all around. Win win


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