Candy Land player limit


I think the Candy Land Hunting Grounds should have a change in the player limit. Like just a few minutes ago my guild was hosting a Candy Land and it was full and no one else could join. I think it’s not a good idea to put a player limit that’s very low for a dungeon that can basically go on forever. The main point of the dungeon is to clear the monsters until the bosses spawn and it takes ages to do it with a few people. So what do you guys think of this? Should they change the player limit for the Candy Land Hunting Grounds?

  • Increase Player Limit
  • Keep Current Player Limit

0 voters


I think dungeons should have no player limit if opened in the guild hall


i totally agree with u


If there are 6 people inside, then its usually already too much.


I would like to keep the player limit, or increase it by a little bit, but as @WangleLine wisely said,

…because all guild members should be able to join a dungeon opened in their own guild hall.


Cland is useless if there is too much people. There’s no guaranteed drops, so your chance to get, well, anything is pretty low.


@Dotroy But you didn’t like it?


@MeteorMons many*


Considering most people spend hours solo/duo in cland, why would you ever need more people lol?


I think clands is a dungeon that’s meant for small groups of people so no, I think the player limit should remain the same.


Player limits is something I believe disrupts the flow of the game. Whenever I see something new, a dungeon drop or an event spawn, I adjust to it and make plans based of of it.

Say, a Rock Dragon spawns but I am not in the mood to do an LoD and I know it takes a while to complete those. I’ll probably try to take advantage of the people who have left and attempt to spawn other events so I’d have a greater chance for loot elsewhere.

The flow of the game is important to me.

As for dungeons, the Haunted Cemetery is a big problem. Not only are the monsters that drop it rare in the first place but it isn’t even a guaranteed chance it’ll drop. Then the player limit hits and I’ve lost my chance for that etherite I’ve been hunting.

It’s things like that that make me go “Eh, I’ve got better things to do with my time.”

Yeah, I took the scenic route with that explanation, but the point is that when my flow is interrupted I get off track and get placed in an undesirable direction. Same thing happens with deaths, though it is better to stop playing then anyway.

The solution? Well, I certainly do not like the idea of entirely removing player limits. Although, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be changed. I personally believe that all player limits need to be adjusted to have the cap set for the highest amount of players able to hit the loot threshold. Of course some dungeons would be out of sync so the boss(es) may need their threshold tweaked.

rant rant rant


To be fair, player-capped dungeons / realms were already le-phucked to begin with. They were never really more than guidelines - player limits were always more of a soft cap rather than a hard cap.

Just go to the fame train during peak hours. There’s definitely more than 85 people in there when you’ve spend your due time pressing your interact key.

Interested to see what sort of thinking went into deciding which dungeons got a player cap and which ones didn’t. I guess the cemetary, candyland, shaitans (and whatever other dungeons have the cap) are all special in the sense that they differ from your average dungeon but eh. Still interested.

Although I guess given the circumstances a queue system (which would provide an actual player cap) just isn’t viable at this time. Unless you want more load screen time :D.


Eh, I got a CC with the ST seal with the Candy Ring with a def with a gumball on my first candyland boss


How’s that relevant to the discussion?


How does it take you ages with a few people? It’s easy enough to solo and literally a pushover with duo if you know what stacking is.


Keep, because like every dungeon with a player # cap, if everyone spams ENTER when the portal opens, you all get in. Just make sure everyone’s ready next time.


Because everyone has to clear stuff, and if it’s just one person clearing it takes a while. They don’t spawn after killing one monster you know…


But I just think it’s silly to have a player cap when the dungeon can basically just go on forever and ever
(Until you get dced)


If there are to many people then the amount of spawns will be lower as the players will be spread out, hence we have a limit.

Now you could ofc organise but this will not work for random groups, keep the limit or remove the limit for guild hall opened dungeons but don’t change the limit for naturally spawned dungeons.


Also, not sure about sb thresholds, but I’m certain that 10 dbows whaling on a creampuff boss will guarantee that at least a few aren’t going to get in sb.


I would go further and say there should be no limit to any dungeon opened by a key. Leave it up to the opener to manage things, opening it in a public or private place, busy or quiet ream/nexus.

But I can’t see it happening. Presumably it’s hardwired into the portal logic, changing it would require extra complexity and checks. And for what ? For the small number of dungeons opened by keys. Of those the couple of dungeons (Cland and Cem) that have limits. And of those the few times there are too many players.

Besides there are good reasons for the limits. Apart from the bosses being easy for even one decent char, too many players could easily break the mechanics, as if there are too many, spread around the dungeon, nothing spawns. Easy to counteract by sticking together, but there are always some that seem unwilling or unable to cooperate. Cland always seems to get better as players leave, which means having an even higher limit or no limit would make things worse.


You can easily reset the the rooms by just leaving them and coming back like 10 seconds later. Plus, in public clands no one really wants to clear, they just hang out near (or in ) in the boss room, so the other rooms would always have a lot of monsters in them.