CandyShi’s PPE thread



(I’ll start actually playing on the ppe sometime today or tomorrow)


wow, 473 fame, incredible
btw are you rank 42 yet? my friend is a pro and he is a red star he is so good at the game and he says orange stars are like gods



first “ut”


It’s a good option at the moment


shet ima do more dungeons before u freaking activate white bag mode



doing sorc now.


oof that sucks.


Last Words
Or is it the word afterward?


the word after


Candy got a budget crown…
Candy gets crown on next shatters?






Wait why are you pikachu now?
Dang it there’s three





It’s an invasion


pikachu invasion!

ima change it after i get orange star tho


This reminds me of the time where @shatter and derivation changed all their names and profile pics to me/my discord pic. And then he ended up giving me ownership of the deri disc.


the fak?

oooohhh pokemon lovers <3


It was more like a prank gone wrong.
If it helps, shatter was drunk when he gave me owner

